Sivu 10/14

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 18:48
Kirjoittaja bbblaza-fani
i bet 99% my weekbudget that niko did not buy that. becourse he has been practising hole last week finnish fake traditions. and becourse finns are very sceptical and serious minded behind that showmask. he try to be everybodys friend and help to win their weektask. or is he just sleeping? omg, hes thinking queen sofia!

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 18:56
Kirjoittaja Devilish
Very good acting then, i'm surprised :)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 19:22
Kirjoittaja White Rabbit
Well, Finns are usually good at maintaining a serious and acceptable facade and being friends with everyone, because "that is expected from us". Finns abroad trouble themselves to no end with trying to guess "What is it they think about me?"

Unless you give them booze. That way all hell breaks loose sooner or later.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 19:38
Kirjoittaja bbblaza-fani
..and now they got booze and sauna. i wonder how much bb will give them that liquid drug, alcohol to them. they should be drinking very wisely, like false finns do...maybe theres no real finnish drunken angry sex, fighting, crying, vomiting etc. tonight. hah!

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 19:47
Kirjoittaja Xanten
Urska & lips :lol: Was nominated today straight for eviction by BB, after breaking rules of the game. Telling/talking about the contract?


Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 19:52
Kirjoittaja [juuso]
Slovenia's Johanna Tukiainen?

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 20:02
Kirjoittaja Devilish
@Xanten she was talking about things in the "outside" world. She came to the house later and she has a contract that she can't say anything about what was happening outside. So she told Ines that she knows who was the most popular person before she moved in.
And she was talking to Nana (Nana wrote a book about her and her life, they weren't friends anymore later, there were fights and lawsuits etc) that she saw on the videos before she moved in, what Nana was saying about her.

And that pic of Urška is kind of okay, you don't wanna see her in the morning :lol:

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 20:43
Kirjoittaja bbblaza-fani
all women are beautifull. even after expensive plastic surgery. thats my philosophy. now, they speculate who will be kicked off next, becourse of violating rules. marika dropped something, maybe agressive least i hope that they dont kick off sandra! or they could kick her last one, if they have to kick all people out before this season ends. sandra was very supporting to crying marika. not very finnish style to show emphaty. in finland we just teas or bully people, or like niko, softly strip teas. :)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 20:54
Kirjoittaja Devilish
Why was Marika crying? :shock: Sandra is also sensitive so if she would cry she'd probably expect someone to come and comfort her :)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:01
Kirjoittaja Rambou
Marika cries because everyone disagrees with everything she proposes, and people do not listen to her. They kinda bully her

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:16
Kirjoittaja KariTa
Marika is according to her own words a perfectionist. She takes the weekly tasks much more seriously than the other housemates, that makes her stress a lot and therefore she's been crying a few times during the 10 weeks. Marika says she also misses her friends a lot.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:33
Kirjoittaja Devilish
I'm dissapointed because of our new weekly task. I don't know who makes up stuff like this but come on, building a castle? And i'm dissapointed in some of our "celebrities". I don't know if Niko will have anything nice to say about this week. All viewers love Niko and are happy that he came here but most of the people in the house and the people who make the show..big dissappointment :|

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:34
Kirjoittaja Rambou
Niko is used to crappy weekly tasks.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:41
Kirjoittaja Devilish
Yeah okay if he is but i think since he is a guest here, they should have picked a task that he can take more part in and that our people can connect with him more. He was just standing there with the saw in his hand sawing (i don't know if it's the correct term) something for the castle. Our HM don't translate stuff to him, most of the time he's just listening not knowing what they are saying.
Not to mention he asked for some food i mean come on? If someone who is a guest doesn't know or doesn't want to just go in and start eating something you offer him something or at least say: if you'll be hungry, get something, it's here and here and here. Really, disappointed :thumbsdown

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 02 Marras 2010 21:55
Kirjoittaja Punde
Xanten kirjoitti:Urska & lips :lol:
Urska should be called Turska because of the lip pout ;)

Turska = cod in English, trske in Slovenian [smilie=hump.gif]

Re: CBB Slovenia 1 (Big Brother Slavnih) LIVE SUOMEKSI/FINNISH

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 00:31
Kirjoittaja tanjamc
hey guys! how are ya today :) joining you from slovenia :) if you want to ask about niko or sth else, go ahead :) Niko is great, I like him! And so do the peops in the house..They really like him and think he is intelegent, nice guy...He really is! Even if he doesnt understand the language, its enough to just show him with a hand or just improvise sth, he gets it in no time..He is really nice ;)

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 01:18
Kirjoittaja omelia
Sandra 2.11:






Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 10:57
Kirjoittaja Devilish
You HM are so much better...they interact with Sandra much much more.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 19:43
Kirjoittaja fairbanks81
Just wanted to say that I'm so glad that Sandra is in our Bb-house. :oops: :hug: I really like Sandra, she's great. :in love:

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 19:52
Kirjoittaja KariTa
Everybody in the house likes Sandra. They were joking about Saturday and her departure, Nino said he's going to hold on to her tight so that she can't leave at all.

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 21:56
Kirjoittaja Devilish
A lot (and i mean A LOT) of viewers in our country are dissapointed and unhappy about our HM. People are writing on a lot of forums that they are acting really bad and not showing how we really are. They really are a bunch of...don't wanna say what :roll: I just hope they'll have a goodbye party since they aren't capable of treating Niko like an equal HM :(

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 6 and CBB Slovenia 1

Lähetetty: 03 Marras 2010 22:24
Kirjoittaja sandman
Devilish kirjoitti:A lot (and i mean A LOT) of viewers in our country are dissapointed and unhappy about our HM. People are writing on a lot of forums that they are acting really bad and not showing how we really are. They really are a bunch of...don't wanna say what :roll: I just hope they'll have a goodbye party since they aren't capable of treating Niko like an equal HM :(
I don't really want to sound rude but what i've seen it looks that Niko isn't really liked in your bb house. He's like surplus or something like that. And i am not Niko fan at all. Sorry but it's looks like that :(