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Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 18:06
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
17:49 The bathroom is still crowded with housemates.

Eetu: (looking approvingly at his hair on the mirror image) "Well, I'm sure I'll get some now!"
Elli-Maija (swinging her legs back and forth while sitting on the edge of the bathtub): "So our platonic relationship isn't good enough for you now?"
Eetu: "'Platonic'? What's that?"
Elli-Maija: "You know, spiritual... instead of physical."
Eetu: "I've been here three weeks already, I think I could use some 'physical' now."

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 20:40
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
20:30 The housemates have been ordered on the outside patio and BB has lowered the remote-controlled, sliding metal curtain so they can't see inside the house. This is a standard procedure when preparing for the live eviction show.

20:37 The curtain goes up and the housemates find the usual assortment of M&M's candy (M&M's is one of the sponsors) and soft drinks on the living room table. They can enjoy the snacks while the eviction show is on air.

An assortment of candy.

Housemates on the sofas.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 20:58
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
20:55 Big Brother: "Five minutes to live broadcast."

21:03 Big Brother: "This is Big Brother. You're now on live broadcast."

21:10 The first connection to the house. Nino is asked what language will he speak to the exchange housemate as Nino doesn't speak any English, except a few phrases. "Pig Latin" says Nino.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 21:18
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
Jani, Noora, Elli-Maija

Petri, Eetu (both up for eviction)

Marika, Vilhelmiina (both up for eviction)

Elisabet, Nino

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 21:23
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
21:20 The second connection to the house. Elisabet is being asked about the egg she's been hatching (see earlier in this thread), the other housemates about the weird things that have been happening in the house last week which they were supposed to ignore (see earlier in this thread).

21:28 At the moment, it seems Vilhelmiina is going to be evicted. Eetu is in the second-to-last place. The lines are still open, though.

21:33 On the talk show we're now getting some clips from Big Brother Slavnih 2010. They're giving a basic rundown of the house and its features (the red phone, etc.)

21:35 A compilation of clips profiling who Sandra is and what she has been up to in the BBS house is being shown to the Finnish TV viewers now.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 21:44
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
21:44 Sandra is now being interviewed by the hostess Susanna Laine in the "Big Brother Talk Show" studio (the eviction studio.) She's apparently wearing a national dress of some type.

Sandra speaks fluent English, no problems with that.

21:49 Sandra enters the Big Brother Finland house!

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 21:55
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
21:49 Sandra introduces herself as a new "member" of the house, from Slovenia, for one week only, though.

At first, our housemates look a bit baffled (possibly because of the national dress which they perhaps didn't expect) - then get up from their sofas and flock to greet her. They're exchanging greetings and Sandra is trying to learn the names of her new housemates.

They're also instantly tricking her with a fake "Finnish" handshake style where you raise your hand to your forehead.

Petri: "Do you know Finland... anything"
Sandra: "No, not a lot".

21:53 Sandra thinks they all saw her entering the house on TV, and the eviction show in general. Our housemates explain to her that the Finnish housemates don't see eviction shows (or the eviction show hosts) on TV at all... only hear her voice when she's interviewing the housemates before the eviction... which is apparently different from how it's done in Slovenia.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 22:05
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
Sandra explaining her fake eviction to the Finnish housemates.

22:05 The housemates have been explaining to Sandra that Niko is already a second-timer in the Finnish Big Brother house. There has also been another connection to the house from the studio and a quick round of interviews.

22:06 The evictee is Vilhelmiina.

"This is Big Brother. Vilhelmiina, you have one minute to leave the Big Brother house!"

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Vilhelmiina, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house!"

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 22:20
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
22:10 Curiously, the housemates did not seem too upset about Vilhelmiina leaving. Maybe because Sandra is now drawing all their attention. They're talking quickly back and forth, having a good conversation going on, asking and answering all kinds of questions, such as if Sandra is a single or not (she tells them she is and she's also the youngest person in her house.)

22:12 Big Brother orders everyone back to the sofas. The housemates are not sure if there will be a double eviction or not.

Sandra is happy to hear there are parties in the Finnish Big Brother house. However, the housemates are now lying to her about alcohol usage (in accordance to their weekly task): they say they don't get much alcohol, or at least Finns don't drink too much of it. (Hah!)

Sandra is relieved to hear the show should soon be over so she can get out of the national costume. It's hot and she's been wearing it for two hours already. (I think Marika said the dress is pretty.)

22:21 They're talking about the weekly assignments, rewards and shopping in the house, etc. Finnish housemates are quite horrified to hear they have had a task in Slovenia (or is it an ongoing house rule?) where need to pay for just about everything you consume in the house, including the cigarettes.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 22:36
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
22:24 The Finnish housemates are explaining the rooms and features of the Finnish house to Sandra. Where the diary room is, etc. Sandra tells about the Slovenian BB house. They're comparing the different features such as microphones (Sandra says the have different microphones in the Slovenian house.)

Sandra is a bit horrified to hear the toilet seat and shower face each other and there are often people using both functions at the same time, including the bathtub on one side of the room.

22:27 "This is Big Brother. The live broadcast has now ended." The housemates leave the sofas and take Sandra for a house tour. They head to the bedroom first. Sandra says this is so different from her house and explains about the boys' and girls' bedrooms in Big Brother Slavnih. (Marika is delighted to hear the girls' bedroom is pink.)

22:31 Sandra is surprised upon hearing the Finnish edition of Big Brother lasts 97 days and the Finnish housemates are on their fourth-to-last week now.

22:34 Sandra tells she has brought some presents from Slovenia with her. A bottle of liquor of some type, dolls, candy, ... She just hasn't received them into the house yet.

Sandra is now planning to change into more comfortable clothes. She says needs some Finnish housemates (girls) to help her with "the process".

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 22:56
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
22:36 The Finnish housemates ask about the main prize in the Slovenian show. 150000 sounds like a lot to them (the Finnish main prize is 50000 euros) but Sandra explains them that there's a catch: they have this system where they lose prize money from failing assignments.

22:38 Sandra is now explaining her motivation for entering the Big Brother Slavnih Celebrity Edition. The Finnish housemates ask her what language do they speak in Slovenia. "We actually have our own language", explains Sandra. She also says some sample phrases in Slovenian.

22:41 The housemates offer Sandra a can of orange soda (?) which she gladly accepts. Sandra warns her new housemates she doesn't want to be the center of attention, she also wants to hear her housemates speaking. ;)

The housemates ask Sandra where did she learn to speak so fluent English. Sandra explains she has long had Arab friends from Kuwait and speaks English with them. They have a discussion about accents.

Of the Finnish housemates, Marika seems to speak pretty good, flowing, English. Also Jani seems to be pretty fluent. (I'm not sure how much Nino understands about any of this... probably not much... at least in the beginning he needed things to be explained to him but he's been silent for a while now. Haven't heard enough of the other housemates speaking to assess their skills yet but it seems almost anyone except Nino has their English at least on some kind of "functional level" - some of them better, some a bit worse.)

(Sandra sure talks a lot! :D)

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 22:57
Kirjoittaja Punde
Sandra has been speaking for ages now, our housemates sit quiet and expressionless and just listen and expect her to go on. Like in church. The atmosphere created by our housemates is ice cold.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:02
Kirjoittaja bbslo

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:05
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
22:55 Sandra is explaining the background of her Slovenian housemates, especially the background story for a female singer and the couple who wrote a book about her.

22:58 Sandra was just asked if anyone has had any sex in the Slovenian Big Brother house. Sandra says no, but explains about strippers and Playmates in the BBS house.

23:00 Elli-Maija just broke into tears in the middle of Sandra's story? (Sandra is all :?: :o :?: Was it something I did?) "She's missing her boyfrend", Noora explains to her. Noora, Marika and Elli-Maija retreat to the bedroom to comfort Elli-Maija.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:07
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
23:03 The first English language Big Brother announcement for this seasion: "This is Big Brother. Sandra, report to the confession room!" Sandra goes to the room and locks the door behind her.

(OK, I guess "Diary Room" is "Confession Room" from now on.)

23:05 The Finnish housemates switch to Finnish and say all kinds of compliments about Sandra ("She's so nice and lovely!" etc.)

It seems Elli-Maija was actually crying because it was her first eviction show and she had been waiting for the questions - Susanna didn't ask her any - and she was just so very nervous about the whole thing.

23:07 Sandra emerges from the confession room, starts handing out little Slovenian flags and gifts to the housemates. Marika asks her what is "Thank you" in Slovenian. The housemates repeat the Slovenian word after her a couple of times, trying to get the pronunciation right.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:15
Kirjoittaja Punde
Sandra brought a basket full of stuff from the diary room. Slovenian flags, bread, dolls/action figures ( :P ) dressed in Slovenian national dresses. Also cookies, blueberry liquor (or something?) and a painting. Next, shot glasses, some other snacks, a cloth depicting something Slovenian etc.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:17
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
23:10 Sandra has all kinds of things in her gift basket. She has some sort of a framed picture with a lace-woven shape resembling the shape of Slovenia on the map.

She also has a number of shot glasses which say "Slovenia" on them (these will be used later), and a scarf or a banner of some sort with a cartoon-type drawn map of Slovenia featuring famous famous places and attractions in Slovenia. Sandra is currently going through the famous places and explaining about them.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:19
Kirjoittaja kaja_slo
Are the housemates cold or warm to Sandra ?

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:23
Kirjoittaja Mole
kaja_slo kirjoitti:Are the housemates cold or warm to Sandra ?
They seem a bit reserved but I would put that more down to shyness than coldness. It also seems that they are a bit afraid to express themselves in English around Sandra who is very fluent.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:25
Kirjoittaja BrutalGentleman
23:17 Sandra is wondering if she's boring the heck out of her new housemates with her stories, or if they generally feel bored in the house. (Our housemates, while sitting on the sofa, actually looked a more than a bit bored and glassy-eyed... but I they seem to like Sandra, it's just that they had all the suspension from the eviction show and haven't managed to get outside for smokes yet, or eat anything, or process the fact that Vilhelmiina has now been evicted etc... it's a bit too much information for the moment.)

23:20 The explanation stops when the buzzer goes off at the door to the storage room and Big Brother lets the nominated housemates bring their bags back to the house. Sandra gets the suitcase with her own cloths at the same time. Sandra, Elisabet and Elli-Maija go to the bathroom to help Sandra change.

Sandra is at unease with the loss of her privacy, there's no separate dressing room and the bathroom (where the toilet seat is located as well) is full of cameras. :lol: She has a bit hard time believing it...

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:26
Kirjoittaja kaja_slo
It's just opposite here in Slovenia - the housemates compete who will be nicer to Niko. I'm really surprised at their English.

Re: Big Brother Finland 6 LIVE

Lähetetty: 31 Loka 2010 23:27
Kirjoittaja Punde
Sandra is changing clothes in the bathroom, uuh mama. Nice boobs.