Sivu 5/8

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 22 Loka 2008 21:50
Kirjoittaja jenpfi
Onkohan niko nikki-fani? Aika samanlaisia lausahduksia ja tanturumeita pk-huoneessa. :wink:

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 03:21
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Nikki Grahame kirjoitti: JADE AND JACK PLAN TO GET WED
I was surprised to read that Jade Goody plans to marry her boyfriend Jack Tweed when he's released from prison. Even though I think she might be acting a bit irrationally, I wish her the best of luck. Apparently, she will have to buy her own engagement ring! I think Jade could do better, but no matter how many times they split up, they always end up back together. Her two sons seem to like him, too, so good luck to them!

It's sweet that Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer have got back together - although I'm not sure if it's for the right reasons. I get the impression he likes the attention that comes with dating such an A-lister, and as Christmas approaches, I don't think Jen wants to be alone. I hope John treats her better this time and makes her happy - she deserves it after being so unlucky in love.

Billie Piper has called her baby son Winston and I think it's such a cute name. I'm really happy for her and her husband, Laurence Fox. Billie seems like she's always had a good head on her shoulders and she will be a great mum. It's also nice that she's still on good terms with her ex-husband Chris Evans. I wonder if she's going to ask him to be godfather? Congratulations Billie!

I love The X Factor but Diana Vickers is starting to really grate on me know - she's just too quirky! She's trying to be like Joss Stone by not wearing shoes, but it's really annoying! I'd like to see a bit of romance behind the scenes to spice things up - Laura White and Austin Drage would make a cute couple!

Kids by MGMT. It's such a catchy tune and sounds a bit 1980's. They're quite a new American Band but I can see them going really far. I'm hoping to see them live next month!

Last week I went to see the Mystrery Jets with my friend Leon - they are such a great band! Also I did a photoshoot for my book, Dying To Be Thin (which is out next spring), on a houseboat in Chelsea. At the weekend I went to the Bloodlust Ball for Halloween at the Holy Trinity Church in London with my sister Natalie - it was so much fun getting dressed up!

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 06:36
Kirjoittaja Tomi-
Mie en tajua miten kukaan näkee henkisestä epävakaan ja sairaan ihmisen raivonpurkauksissa mitään hauskaa, olihan ne avautumiset ensimmäiset viikot ihan hassua seurattavaa mutta sittekun huomas että tyttö on oikeasti sairas ne alkoi lähinnä säälittämään ja en ihmettele yhtään että Nikki äänestettiin pois 8 viikon jälkeen. Sen vielä ymmärtäis jos noi kohtaukset ois vaan ollu talon sisällä tapahtuvaa showta mut likka kun on samanlainen talon ulkopuolella ni huah.

Finaalin häätö ja haastattelu olivat kanssa semmonen 'show' et oksat pois.

Ei nyt UKBB7 huonoin asukas läheskään ollut mutta en vaan voi mitenkään käsittää sen suosiota tai viihdyttävyyttä.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 14:24
Kirjoittaja Spencer
^ Ja tuohan on vain ja ainoastaan sinun mielipiteesi. Yleisesti juuri kukaan ei ole kanssasi samaa mieltä. Jäätävää paskaa etten sanoisi. [smilie=a_whyohwhy.gif]

Pyydän, että nämä Nikki-haterit pysyvät poissa tästä ketjusta, koska tämä ketju on tarkoitettu kaikille niille, joita Nikkin tekemiset ja kuulumiset oikeasti kiinnostavat. En ymmärrä, miksi ketjua pitää edes lukea tai tulla kirjoittamaan vieläpä viestiä, jos on noin alhaiset mielipiteet Nikkistä kuin tällä Tomi-:lla. En ymmärrä.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 14:58
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Muutin otsikkoa selkeämmäksi. Toivottavasti nyt Nikki-haterit ymmärtävät yskän.. :wink:

Nikki :hug: :kissey: :in love:

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 15:09
Kirjoittaja Tomi-
No muotoillaan nyt hieman paremmin, ei ole Nikkiä vastaan yhtään mitään ja varmasti on hieno ihminen oikeassa elämässä mutta en ymmärrä sitä miten jotain voi pitää viihteenä kun on yleisesti tiedossa että hänen purkaukset johtuvat mahdollisesti henkisistä ongelmista / anoreksiasta. Tarkoitus ei ollut Nikkiä haukkua missään vaiheessa, en vaan ymmärrä miten niistä kohtauksia voidaan yleisesti pitää viihdyttävänä katsottavana. Nikkillä oli monia hienoja hetkiä talossa mutta jokapaikassa aina muistetaan hienoimpana hetkinä nuo kohtaukset.

Enkä mä nyt ole edes yksin mielipiteeni kanssa. Channel 4:sta ja Endemolia ripitti ohjelman aikana aika monet mediat, psykologit sekä 'National Centre Of Eating Disorders' siitä että taloon otetaan ihmisiä joiden ollaan tiedetty kärsivän lähihistoriassa erilaisista henkisistä ongelmista.

Ja kyllä mä Nikkin kuulumisia ihan mielelläni luen ku vastaan tulee ja ei ollut tarkoitus häntä mollata, oli vaan kärkäs ja huonosti kirjoitettu edellinen viesti.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 15:40
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Tomi- kirjoitti:Channel 4:sta ja Endemolia ripitti ohjelman aikana aika monet mediat, psykologit sekä 'National Centre Of Eating Disorders' siitä että taloon otetaan ihmisiä joiden ollaan tiedetty kärsivän lähihistoriassa erilaisista henkisistä ongelmista.
Kyllä, mutta täytyy muistaa, että samaisella kaudella oli myös eräs Shahbaz, joka uhkasi tehdä itsemurhan ja käyttäytyi muutenkin hyvin hyvin oudosti. Suurinta kritiikkiä tuli Shahbazin takia, eikä Nikkin tai Peten..
Wikipedia kirjoitti:Shahbaz was being monitored by production team psychologists following comments that he intended to commit suicide whilst in the House and he asked to leave the Big Brother House, departing on Day 6. After leaving the House, Shahbaz admitted to having understated his mental condition to psychologists during interviews for the programme, therefore cheating the selection process

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 18:04
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Olen kyllä pettynyt, ettei Nikki esiinny Dead Set -sarjassa. Ekassa jaksossa kuultiin kuitenkin lause "What's he doing here, he's had his life". Kuulostaako tutulta? Jep, tuon samanhan Nikki sanoi Suziesta..
The Sun kirjoitti: Nikki Grahame's a zomBBie

NIKKI Grahame gave celebrities a glimpse of her horrific Halloween get-up last night.

Ghoulish ... Nikki Grahame

The Big Brother contestant looked gormless as she posed with her gob wide open and eyes vacant outside the Crystal Club launch for fashion line Lipsy in London.

In fact, Nikki, who partied with Danielle Lloyd and Bianca Gascoigne at the event, looks a dead ringer for Davina McCall in E4 zombie series Dead Set in this picture.

Dead ringer ... Davina McCall


Re: Nikkin (BB7) kuulumisia

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 21:01
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Spencer kirjoitti:
Tomi- kirjoitti:Channel 4:sta ja Endemolia ripitti ohjelman aikana aika monet mediat, psykologit sekä 'National Centre Of Eating Disorders' siitä että taloon otetaan ihmisiä joiden ollaan tiedetty kärsivän lähihistoriassa erilaisista henkisistä ongelmista.
Kyllä, mutta täytyy muistaa, että samaisella kaudella oli myös eräs Shahbaz, joka uhkasi tehdä itsemurhan ja käyttäytyi muutenkin hyvin hyvin oudosti. Suurinta kritiikkiä tuli Shahbazin takia, eikä Nikkin tai Peten..
Ja myös Lea taisi saada oman osansa kritiikistä vartalomodificationpöllyissään.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 21:14
Kirjoittaja Punde
Ensifiilis kun näin tän kuvan uutisissa (en ollu kattonu liveä) oli että WTF, Nikki BB-talossa?!


Mut ei se sit onneks ollu. ;)

e: ei toi ollukaa se uutiskuva, mut samalla tavalla takaapäin näytti ihan nikkiltä:


Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 21:15
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Tolla naisella on kyllä Nikkin ryhti.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 29 Loka 2008 21:33
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Joo tuo naikkonen näyttää kyllä hyvin paljon Nikkiltä noissa kuvissa. Se vasta olisikin tuonut lisäpotkua kauteen, jos Nikki olisi tullut taloon. [smilie=a_happy.gif]

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 04 Marras 2008 17:48
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Näköjään moni suomalainenkin vierailee Nikkin kotisivuilla. Suomi päässyt Top7:n joukkoon. :thumbsup Nikkin kotisivut:
bluegroper kirjoitti: Nikki's Website Summary October

During October there were a total of 2,453 visits, in which 1,965 were unique visitors from 59 different Countries, 75.95% were absolute new visitors and there were 5,588 page views. The top 10 countries in order being United Kingdom, USA, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Norway. Each visitor viewed an average 2.28 pages per visit.
* note my own views are not recorded in the stats.

Most visitors are from the UK which makes up 69% of visits from 254 cities/locations with the rest of the world 31%. The top 10 cities in the UK in order are London , Manchester, Edinburgh, Poplar, Birmingham, Wembley, Reading, Sheffield, Milton Keynes and Glasgow. While visitors in the UK have dropped down from 83% in September to 69%. Nikki has increased visitors from the rest of the world which is now 31% of all visitors.

Search Engines
The website position in all search engines have Nikki’s website on the first page when searching for “Nikki Grahame”. “Nikki Graham”, “Nikkis OK column”, “Nikki” or other popular keywords.

What I have also noticed that Google searches in the UK you need only enter her 1st name “Nikki” and her website is on the first page in the 5th position which is good news.

Search engines delivered a total of 1,357 visits from 421 different key phrases.

Traffic sources
Search Engines =55.24%
Referring sites = 36.40%
Direct (url in address bar or bookmark) = 8.36%

The most popular traffic sources are Google with 49.74%, Direct 8.36% (URL placed in address bar or bookmark), Nikki’s wikipedia page 7.26%, Google Images 6.24%, My Space 4.61%,

The most popular pages other then the home/index page are gallery 1, media, news, gallery4 and background. There were 5,588 page views with 4,673 unique views.

Nikki’s RSS News/Blog Feed.
Towards the end of October I put nikki’s news feed on feed burner so to use their network to advertise Nikki’s RSS/Blog feed as its just too hard to try and do it myself. Although I have got her feed on quite a lot of networks and their robots are picking up the feed. During October Nikki’s news feed was downloaded 3336 times by 222 different sources. Most popular MySpace.

Alexa Rank
Nikki’s website traffic rank in Alexia is 2,753,713 which is in the top 8.96% of websites worldwide.

Technorati Blog Rank
Nikki’s news feed on feedburner has now attracted a Technorati Blog rank of 4,703,922 may seem a lot but it is in the top 6.72% of all blogs worldwide. And it’s the first time technorati have issued a ranking on her News/Blog feed.

Technorati is a popular blog directory service. It measures the popularity of a given blog as compared to all other sites that have been submitted to its system.

Hope I am not boring every one, Nikki's website is continuing to do well and has a healthy number of visitors.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 04 Marras 2008 22:29
Kirjoittaja Spencer
I was happy when i read that Cheryl and Ashley Cole are going to renew their wedding vows when The X Factor finishes. I'm confident things will work out for them. I hope that Ashley has learn't his lesson now and realised how lucky he his to have someone like Cheryl, when she could have the pick of any man in the world. Don't mess it up this time Ashley!

I think it's disgusting that Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross made those calls to Andrew Sachs, I really loved Faulty Towers and can't believe they did that to poor Manuel! I think it's right that they were suspended and that Russell then quit his BBC radio show. There was just no excuse for what they did.

I was so upset to hear about Jennifer Hudson's mum, brother and nephew being murdered. She is such a beautiful, talented lady and I can't imagine what she's going through. I only hope she has lots of people around her to look after her - she's going to need love and support. Something like this really makes you appreciate what's important in life.

I wasn't surprised to read that Kerry Katona has parted from her publicist Max Clifford - especially after her performance on This Morning. I can't stop watching the clips on Youtube, and I think it's odd that she blames her medication for all these things. When I was really ill in hospital, I was on the same medication and it didn't do that to me.

Benefit's new lipgloss, Her Glossiness. It tastes like bubblegum and is a really pretty pink colour. And it makes my lips look fab!

Last week I went to see the new horror film Mirrors. I really love scary movies and I was so disappointed because it was rubbish! I cheered myself up by going to the opening of London's massive new Westfield shopping centre, which is amazing. Everyone knows I make any excuse to go shopping!

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 12 Marras 2008 18:47
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Nikki Grahame kirjoitti: IM BACKING RACHEL TO WIN STRICTY!
I was gutted when Andrew Castle got voted off Strictly Come Dancing. He was my favourite but now I'm rooting for Rachel Stevens all the way. She's got both popularity and talent and I think she's good enough to win. As for S Club 7 reuniting with just Jo O'Meara, Paul Cattermole and Bradley McIntosh, I think its hilarious! I wish the three of them all the very best, though.

I'm not really surprised that Simon Cowell and Terri Seymour have split up. He's very busy with work projects and I haven't seen them pictured together for ages. Simon claims that nobody wants him but I'd love to set him up with my mum so he could be my stepdad!

I was sad to hear that David Tenant is leaving Doctor Who because he's done a brilliant job over the last three years. I think David Walliams would be perfect for the role. He's so eccentric and quirky and would be good at dealing with the aliens. Catherine Tate could return as his assistant - they'd make a great comedy duo!

I think it's great news that Mylene Klass is to replace Nicky Hambleton-Jones on 10 years younger. She's a good presenter and a very stylish mummy with a clean-cut image that people can look upto. She does seem to be on our TV screens a lotm though. I bet she didn't even take more than a half-hour break when he baby Ava was born!

Bourjois Delice de Poudre bronzing pounder. It looks and smells like chocolate and is perfect for giving you a warm winter glow. It's really affordable too!

I've had a bit of a cold this week so haven't been feeling well at all, but it didn't stop me doing a photo shoot for dog lover magazine K9. I'm on the cover of their Christmas issue with my Chihuahua, Thumbelina. My other dog, Baby, came too and they both got lots of new clothes and treats! Check out the photo's at Last week I went to Smash and Grab at PUNK nightclub in London and next week I'll be spending a few days in Dorset with my family.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 18 Marras 2008 22:02
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Jennifer Anniston has said that Angelina Jole was "uncool" for talking about how she fell in love with Brad Pitt, and I agree with her. I feel sorry for Jen. As it must be hard enough having to see pictures of her ex-husband and his new girlfriend everywhere without her talking about it too. Angelina should keep quiet for a while, She's got her bloke, so what else does she want?

I don't know what's going on with The X Factor at the moment, but the fact that Laura White was kicked out proves that anything can happen. I think complacency can be a big problem in talent shows. I want Alexandra Burke to win, so everybody should get voting! The Judges are using their votes tactically and I think Louis will do anything to get at Cheryl because she's doing so well.

I was so excited for the start of I'm A Celeb.... The line-up is great! I would love to see Esther Rantzen get with Robert Kilroy-Silk, as they are the two oldies of the group. Simon Webbe is a friend of mine, so it'd be great if he does well, and glamour girl Nicola McLean will probably try to crack onto every man in there. Esther Rantzen is my earlier favourite - I think she'll be like a mother hen and look after everyone.

I think it's for the best that Balthazar Getty has broken up with Sienna Miller, she should stop getting involved with married men and start looking for someone who is right for her. Balthazar can go back to his wife and kids now - he seems to have made a silly mistake. If you ask me, Sienna has come out of it looking like a home wrecker, but hopefully she'll have learn't her lesson now.

I'M LOVING......
My friend Nina's new jewellery website, It's got some amazing things. I've ordered a pendant with my initials engraved on it. It's great for Christmas gift ideas.

Last week I went to Embassy nightclub's seventh birthday party. Thank you to the owner, Mark Fuller, who always puts on a good party. They're opening a new club in Dubai, which I'm visiting at Christmas and can't wait! This weekend I'm going to see a play called The Ghost Train with my family at the theatre, and next week I'll be visiting the patients at Phode's Farm - a clinic for children with eating disorders - to encourage them and give some support.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 19 Marras 2008 22:23
Kirjoittaja rauskuman
Vähän OT. mut BB4-Niko taitaa olla sit Suomen "Nikki" [smilie=a_teeth.gif] Kirjottelee nettipäiväkirjaa ja oli muutenkin suuri persoona.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 19 Marras 2008 22:33
Kirjoittaja Spencer
rauskuman kirjoitti:mut BB4-Niko taitaa olla sit Suomen "Nikki" [smilie=a_teeth.gif] Kirjottelee nettipäiväkirjaa ja oli muutenkin suuri persoona.
Höpsistä, ei heissä ole mitään samaa. Suorastaan puistattaa tällaiset vertaukset! :scared: Ihan yhtä hyvin voisi sanoa, että Andreas on Suomen Nikki tai vaikkapa Manta on Suomen Nikki. Täysin erilaisia persoonia.

Niko = [smilie=rlp_smilie_207.gif]
Nikki = :in love:

Edit: Ai niin. Nikki ei siis kirjoittele nettipäiväkirjaa, vaan kolumneja OK -lehteen kerran viikossa.

Edit2: Jos pitäisi miettiä, että ketä Niko muistuttaa, niin ekana tulee mieleen Charley (BBUK8) tai Chanelle (BBUK8). Kumpikin yrittivät matkia huonolla menestyksellä Nikkin "tantrumeita" ja muutenkin olivat sellaisia ärsyttäviä draamakuningattaria.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 19 Marras 2008 23:07
Kirjoittaja rauskuman
No, mielipiteensä kullakin. ;)

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 20 Marras 2008 06:17
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Mun mielestä Nikon ylinäytellyt kohtaukset oli kyllä todella huonoa Nikkin matkimista. Kuten Spencer sanoikin, samaa kuraa Charleyn ja Chanellen kanssa.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 21 Marras 2008 17:03
Kirjoittaja minna
Nikossa ja Nikkissä ei tosiaan ole muuta samaa kuin miltei samanlaiset nimet.

Re: Nikkin (BB7) fanitusketju

Lähetetty: 22 Marras 2008 06:59
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Punde oli laittanut Dermotin Nikki-imitaation juutubeen, niin laitetaan linkki myös tänne.

Dermot impersonates Nikki: