Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Keskustelua asukasvaihdosta / Discussion in English about the housemate swap.
Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 21 Tammi 2010 11:32

Last two weeks is an open voting. I don't think there's a voting limit during the final week.

Our technique before was to use several phones in voting. I don't know about online as i never used the online voting.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 11:34

PJ is now facing the jury of the ex hms.

Viestit: 147
Liittynyt: 29 Loka 2009 06:26
Paikkakunta: Big Brother World

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Pythos » 21 Tammi 2010 11:38

Yup. That's really unfair as the ExHMs was given the power to choose the HOH. Hope no biases.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 11:41

I think the ex hms have a different picture what the task revealed about the hms than many of the viewers... I'm guessing they'll choose the HoH from those three who did what they wanted them to do.

Viestit: 30
Liittynyt: 01 Joulu 2009 11:36

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Foxylady19 » 21 Tammi 2010 12:01

hi a very cold afternoon! :D
i just finished reading the comments here.. and i feel like watching the LS.. Thanks for the effort!
oh, I'm disappointed of the Melason's latest performance( i'm one of their million fans). anyway, i'm starting to like PJ again and Mariel..

Viestit: 30
Liittynyt: 01 Joulu 2009 11:36

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Foxylady19 » 21 Tammi 2010 12:36

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 21 Tammi 2010 15:18

PT is on!

I'm excited too see how it all happened.

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 21 Tammi 2010 16:21

Jason and Melai gave their eggs to Delio. For me, they just showed how irresponsible they are and doesn't want to work with the team. Winning the weekly task is a team effort and clearly MELASON didn't put much effort on succeeding the task.

Many people are saying that MELASON just want to look good or nice on TV that's why they chose "friendship" over money.

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 21 Tammi 2010 16:49

mirian kirjoitti: But if you only wanna see, how the situation developed after the surprise attack (after everything was smashed down), then look at this link (vid #51) and continue watching forward those videos: ... XPt8jwNSR4
@ 00:53

LOL @ Melissa! :ROFL

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 17:02

Are the ex housemates judging the remaining housemates bairly on the grounds of either choosing the friendship or the task? That meaning that they'll give thumbs up if you took all those insults in and gave up with the task for the benefit of the ex hms, and they'll give thumbs down if you decided to say something back when being insulted and continued with the task?

It seems to me that they have been emphasizing this very black and white "choose friendship or money" idea the whole time during their resback-task. "You just care about your task!" "You don't care about your friends anymore!" "Is money really so important to you?" and blaa, blaa, blaa... Well, they have given some very clear hints to the hms, how they would want them to react. So the easy way would have been to do exactly what Melason and Hermes did.

If it's really so, that the ex hms waited them to act all nice and hospitable and forget their task when they are being targets of bashing, then they ignore totally the fact that you'll receive respect when you'll give some respect. And that works between friends also. It has nothing to do with being a bad friend and wanting just the money. Wasn't Rica saying the same thing to Harish when he insulted them, that she will respect him if he gives some respect also? I think it would be too simble and childish to judge PJ, Johan, Tibo, Kath and Mariel for being bad friends when choosing to finnish their task, and ignore the fact that they themselves weren't actually acting like their friends at the time, but like their hostile and aggressive competitors.

The ex hms have done great job and have definitely gotten different and interresting reactions out of the housemates. I'm just not sure if they are the best people to decide who's the next HoH, if they have grudge against certain housemates and have allready from the beginning decided what kind of reaction is the right one.

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 21 Tammi 2010 17:27

The ex-housemates are very impressed at PJ and Mariel because they showed courage when they were being attacked (when Princess & Rob entered the house). The two are the only ones who fought back and stayed true to themselves even though they know that they would look bad to the outside world.

BB said to the ex-hms that their real task when entering the house again is to uncover the real personality of the hms. They want to see how they would react if they are under pressure and being attacked physically, emotionally and mentally. If they're true attitude will come out or they would remain plastic.

Melason + Hermes were over analyzing the true meaning of the task. They were thinking that defending the tower is not the real task. But being nice to their friends/ex-hms even though they are hurting the hms, is what they thought the real task.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 17:42

bianca kirjoitti:The ex-housemates are very impressed at PJ and Mariel because they showed courage when they were being attacked (when Princess & Rob entered the house). The two are the only ones who fought back and stayed true to themselves even though they know that they would look bad to the outside world.

BB said to the ex-hms that their real task when entering the house again is to uncover the real personality of the hms. They want to see how they would react if they are under pressure and being attacked physically, emotionally and mentally. If they're true attitude will come out or they would remain plastic.

Melason + Hermes were over analyzing the true meaning of the task. They were thinking that defending the tower is not the real task. But being nice to their friends/ex-hms even though they are hurting the hms, is what they thought the real task.
Jei! That is what I was hoping to hear! Perfect! :thumbsup I was allready fearing that the ex hms wouldn't take all that information in what the task revealed from the hms. I'm very happy to hear that they understand how many sides the task has and don't judge the hms on the grounds of old grudge or how close they self feel to the remaining housemates!

Viestit: 156
Liittynyt: 01 Marras 2009 20:40
Paikkakunta: Manila

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja bianca » 21 Tammi 2010 17:53

And the ex-hms said that: from that incident, the good side and the bad side of the hms revealed.

good- PJ & Mariel were fighters and they won't let other people to put them down. Though they have different approach: Mariel was very vocal and PJ just stayed calm and be a gentleman.

bad- the rest of the hms just chose to play safe and be likable in the eyes of the viewers.

While Princess was being bitchy in HA, the ex-hms (especially Rica) were cheering for Mariel while watching them in HB.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 18:04

I think Princess was great when she was acting like a real biaaatch! :lol: The way she played the villain role really pushed the hms to react, and it was needed for the task to succeed. If somebody is acting so rudely towards you and you don't have any reaction, it just feels unreal for me. Like they are restraining themselves. I'm glad that the ex hms also saw that PJ and Mariel reacted without holding back their true feelings about Princess' actions and weren't calculating what is the best thing to do to make a positive effect.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 21 Tammi 2010 19:26

Housemates won their task and they got their weekly budget! Yes! Congratulations for PJ, Mariel, Kath, Tibo and Johan for their hard work. And they looked all very happy of course, but then Kuya announced that they lost some of their pot money for the big4. After that they looked very serious and were silent for a while. The win is now less than 150 000 or 150 000 lesser than the original amount. I didn't really understand which way it went. How much do they win usually? Might this be Kuyas' joke and in the end they win the whole summ?

Now they have to convince the others why would they be good HoHs. Maybe after that Kuya says who was the ex hms' choice?

Viestit: 650
Liittynyt: 13 Syys 2007 15:49
Paikkakunta: Tampere Region, Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rutjake » 21 Tammi 2010 21:05

PJ wearing a Finland tee:


Btw, the lion belongs to the Coat of arms of Finland:

Viestit: 23
Liittynyt: 01 Joulu 2009 13:19

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja sher » 22 Tammi 2010 06:53

I love how Mariel and PJ showed their true colors.
It's just so Natural :DD

HERMELASON (hermes and melason) gave up for the task and their eggs were already broken. i think, the 5 hms lose their trust to the three (for this task only. nothing personal) that's why they dont help re-building the domino towers ;)

what does Nim Varma means? it's what cathy wrote on the windows right?

My big 4 are (in no particular order)
Mariel,Melai,Jason && Paul Jake.

Finnish friends, we shared great thoughts. :)

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 22 Tammi 2010 07:44


"Niin varmaan" (or niivarmaa) means "yeah, sure", but it has this pessimistic and ironical tone in it. It's something that Aso was repeating all the time and after every sentence or comment someone said. So if you said for example "Good morning" or "This food is great", Aso answered NIIVARMAAN! Meaning that he doesn't believe you. It was meant as a joke, but after a while, hearing that ALL the time, you couldn't help but feeling a bit kääääääääk :madone: , when he said it.

The other Finnish thing what Cathy is repeating (also learned from Aso) is:
Thank you veri/makkara/kana/kala/keitto.
That means thank you blood/sausage/chicken/fish/soup. So basicly just "thank you" in Aso's English. :)

Viestit: 30
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 18:49
Paikkakunta: Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Gulak » 22 Tammi 2010 11:56

One thing i don't get is why the ex-hms go on with full verbal rage attack towards the housemates. There was no prize for them "winning" the task, right? I mean even if it's just a task, those things can ruin future friendships. Especially Rica and Princess were out of line. Destroying the towers doesn't matter, but behind a fierce verbal attack there is always some truth and it can hurt much if it goes too personal. In BBF I cannot imagine ex-housemates ruining other's prize money, i think they would have failed on purpose.

I think Tom showed the greatest spirit. Big up for him.

(OT: CBB7 - Sisqo loves Finland ... 43/play.c4 )

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 22 Tammi 2010 14:48

Well I think that the ex hms had almost the same role than Tuija in our BB. She was also asked to come back for a week and irritate the housemates as much as possible, so that the viewers would get a better idea of the housemates. And I didn’t think any worse of her because of that. She was just doing her “nerves cracking, don’t play with me because I’m the big boss” role.

I do agree that Rica acted very childishly and improperly towards Cathy. But what it comes to the task itself, they were asked to provoke the hms and get out true reactions, and I don’t think they would have succeeded in their task so well without leaving all diplomacy behind. Imo they weren’t at the beginning all that bad and rude actually. They were just mainly insinuating about the money/friendship issue. But when they didn’t get any clear reactions, then came Princess who went over the top! But that’s why she was also very successful in the task. After that it was really interesting to see how people reacted when being under heavy pressure.

Actually the big difference between Tuija and Princess is that Tuija wasn’t able to do the villain role as well as Princess and didn’t get anything interesting out from the hms. Tuija seemed to become more irritated herself :lol: , whereas Princess got out some pretty interesting reactions from the housemates. If the hms have ever watched BB shows, I think they understand that there is going to be some great twists and turns and it can also be that you have to fool someone, provoke someone or even be self fooled or provoked by someone. Even by your friend. I actually think that the hms self will understand each other better and forgive such tasks easier than we will ever understand.

Viestit: 30
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 18:49
Paikkakunta: Finland

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja Gulak » 22 Tammi 2010 15:22

Yeah, but in fact i think the task showed true colors of the ex-housemates, not the housemates. The ex's could have done their part without going too personal. And even Tuija who wasn't ranting too much was crying in the diary room all the time that others will hate her. If there would've been a case where she has to sabotage some of the prize money, i think she would never even agreed to come back. I don't know if in PBB others than Tom felt guilty about it, but from the picture i got the Resbak team was too much blood-thirsty.

Viestit: 2210
Liittynyt: 29 Marras 2009 04:11

Re: Housemate swap between BB Finland 5 and Pinoy BB 3

Viesti Kirjoittaja mirian » 22 Tammi 2010 16:08

Yep, you're right that there were some personal issues also. I noticed that Princess and Rob had something against PJ. That's why I thought that they would judge them unfairly, thinking only about this old grudge. But in the contrary, the ex hms did acknowledge the merits of those hms who weren't so close to them in the house, and PJ got recognition for his part in the task and how he behaved.

What it comes to the prize... well, I don't know if it's true or not that the prize money really is now reduzed, and the ex hms understood that their actions will lead to this. I still suspect and hope that Kuya announcing the prize money being smaller, is another trick and in the end they'll get the prize that was planned allready from the beginning. This canbe another way to see how will their relations develop: some of the hms have worked hard to secure the pot money and the weekly budget for them all, and the others have to face the fact that because of them, the big4 will get less what was supposed to. Is this going to make a division between them? We'll just have to wait and see was it for real or not...

Vastaa Viestiin

Palaa sivulle “Asukasvaihto / Housemate swap”