Sivu 48/75

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:08
Kirjoittaja ammiina
Did Kaisa-Riita really said, that she had her first girlfriend when she was 4 years old? :D She was very young when she come out from closet. :)

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:10
Kirjoittaja alma_naamahu_ra
I'm so happy about this swap. I can't stop watching my BB 24/7 and I haven't watched it for a week, it's been so dull :roll:

When I was waiting for Munya to walk in to bb-house, my heart almost pounded right off of my chest. He feels like a great guy, I want him to win Big Brother Finland :mrgreen:

I also want to say VERY warm welcome to all African people who are using/reading this forum. Ok, I'm little bit late, but better late than never. :welcome

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:10
Kirjoittaja zilipippuri
ammiina kirjoitti: She was very young when she come out from closet. :)
Just maybe she never went to the closet ;)..

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:11
Kirjoittaja Ulrika Johnson
zilipippuri kirjoitti:
ammiina kirjoitti: She was very young when she come out from closet. :)
Just maybe she never went to the closet ;)..
maybe it was her playhouse's closet? :mrgreen:

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:12
Kirjoittaja Swoon
ammiina kirjoitti:Did Kaisa-Riita really said, that she had her first girlfriend when she was 4 years old? :D She was very young when she come out from closet. :)
Yes she did.

Interesting discussion about homosexuality between Kaisa, Munya and JM.

I hope mods won't mind this thread is used (occasionally) for updating what's happening. It's the first night. Maybe tomorrow it'll settle down.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:13
Kirjoittaja ammiina
Why they dont let the now housemate talk. K-R only talk about her sexuality.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:13
Kirjoittaja Spyral
Why is homosexuality against the law?

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:14
Kirjoittaja Sihi
Swoon kirjoitti: I hope mods won't mind this thread is used (occasionally) for updating what's happening. It's the first night. Maybe tomorrow it'll settle down.
Well in my option it`s ok.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:14
Kirjoittaja SUBLIMINAL
I wanna ask something about BBA!

Are the housemates allowed to read/write/draw/watch tv or anything like that?
I was just watching this and paid attention to their books.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:15
Kirjoittaja Swoon
ammiina kirjoitti:Why they dont let the now housemate talk. K-R only talk about her sexuality.
Munya can talk if he wants.

I just wanted them to have fun tonight to be honest. Now they're just sitting.
Sihijuoma(n) kirjoitti:
Swoon kirjoitti: I hope mods won't mind this thread is used (occasionally) for updating what's happening. It's the first night. Maybe tomorrow it'll settle down.
Well in my option it`s ok.
Cool. :)

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:17
Kirjoittaja Spyral
Yes they could bring in books to read, they can watch tv when BB gives them a dvd, and they can only write and draw during a given task

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:19
Kirjoittaja Spyral
well I think this forum is now world wide known

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:23
Kirjoittaja ammiina
Spyral kirjoitti:well I think this forum is now world wide known
I hope that all of the african bb-fans have a encourage to register here and chat with us :)

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:25
Kirjoittaja Spyral
It was even hard for me to register here today

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:27
Kirjoittaja ammiina
Outoa, kun ainoastaan yksi asukas keskustelee tulokkaan kanssa....
K-R ja M siis pihalla ja muut sisällä.

Sorry, wrong forum :)

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:27
Kirjoittaja SUBLIMINAL
Spyral kirjoitti:Yes they could bring in books to read, they can watch tv when BB gives them a dvd, and they can only write and draw during a given task
That's cool! Thanks for the answer :)

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:28
Kirjoittaja eliisa
ammiina kirjoitti:Outoa, kun ainoastaan yksi asukas keskustelee tulokkaan kanssa....
K-R ja M siis pihalla ja muut sisällä.
In english only, please! :)

I am so addicted, I should go to bed but I CAN'T.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:29
Kirjoittaja Spyral
Outoa, kun ainoastaan yksi asukas keskustelee tulokkaan kanssa....
K-R ja M siis pihalla ja muut sisällä.


Strangely, when only one resident is discussing with the newcomer ....
K-R and M, therefore, the yard and the other inside

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:31
Kirjoittaja Pig Brother
*Waiting for videos about African BB (my english... sorry :mrgreen: )*

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:35
Kirjoittaja Spyral
It is very hard for us to take videos or screen shot
I have to use my digital camera and not alot of people have cameras

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:37
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Spyral kirjoitti:Outoa, kun ainoastaan yksi asukas keskustelee tulokkaan kanssa....
K-R ja M siis pihalla ja muut sisällä.


Strangely, when only one resident is discussing with the newcomer ....
K-R and M, therefore, the yard and the other inside
Spyral, your becaming quite a guru with finnish.

Re: Big Brother House Swap: Finland - Africa

Lähetetty: 20 Loka 2008 01:38
Kirjoittaja Spyral
@ Big Mother
