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Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 25 Elo 2008 17:57
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex no longer Head of House

Rex is no longer the group’s Head of House, having returned his rosette to Big Brother in the Diary Room.

The restaurateur was called in to talk to Big Brother first thing this morning, but was sent back out almost immediately to retrieve his rosette.

After a lengthy session inside, Rex returned announcing that he was no longer Head of House.

As Lisa quizzed him on his chat with Big Brother, he informed her: "I put four people up", but she and Kat laughed at him as Kat called him a "liar".

Darnell later branded him a "wind-up merchant".

Lisa returned to the luxury bedroom, telling the rest of the group that Rex had fallen silent when probed about today’s nomination process.

"I don’t think there’s a new Head of House," concluded Mikey. "I think there’s just nominations as normal."

Mikey then went on a trip around the house ensuring that each person was made aware of the change in situation.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 25 Elo 2008 18:00
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rachel sleep talks to Mikey

Rachel awoke this morning to the news that she had been sleep talking to Mikey during the night.

Lisa, who admitted she had not been sleeping very well anyway, said she overheard Rachel shout: "Oh Mikey! Not yet, Mikey!"

Mikey seemed alarmed at the suggestion and begged to be told what she had said.

Darnell claimed that he had heard the nocturnal commotion too, and giggled as he chipped in: "She said: ‘Don’t put it in there!’"

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Mikey, as Rachel concluded that she must have gone to bed thinking of him.

"I was dreaming about you!" she laughed, ‘ahhhing’ at the thought.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 25 Elo 2008 20:11
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Mohamed on uusi Head of House...

No voi hyvä luoja sentään, mitä p*sk*a... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :(

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 26 Elo 2008 13:50
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Darnell upsets Sara with "ugly" jibe

Darnell called Sara an "ugly bitch" this yesterday evening as the pair discussed her feelings for Stu in the ashtray.

Following Sara’s conversation with Rex earlier this evening, Darnell quizzed Sara on her penchant for muscles, which she denied having. He accused her of telling Stu that she loved his physique.

"On my life, I never said that," insisted Sara.

Darnell said that she once lead him to believe she was "deep" in the Diary Room, but that he felt nothing for her when they returned to the rest of the group.

"It’s fine," replied Sara. "We don’t have anything. I can’t see us being friends."

Rex tried to diffuse the situation by reminding Sara that Darnell was joking, but she said she did not believe that he was.

"I think you’re actually quite unattractive," Darnell told her. "I think you’re a cool person, but an ugly bitch."

Rex interrupted the following moment of silence, saying: "That wasn’t a very nice thing to say."

Later, Darnell said he was worried about how "the fans" would react to what he said as Rachel claimed that Sara was crying.

"She's upset but she's not crying," insisted Mo. "We were only playing."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 26 Elo 2008 13:52
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex challenges Darnell on behaviour

Rex asked Darnell why he was behaving negatively last night.

Darnell has been arguing with his housemates recently and yesterday rowed with both Sara and Kathreya.

"You know how you wanted to get nominated?" Darnell asked Rex. "I can really do the dickhead game. I'm an ass. You're actually a good guy."

Rex wondered why Darnell wanted to leave so late in the game. "There are only nine days left," he pointed out.

However, Darnell suggested that he didn't want to leave but did want to be nominated.

"I just want to know whether the public like me," he explained.

Rex warned that if Darnell carried on behaving in this way, he would lose the support of the public.

"I know," Darnell sighed. "I'm scared."

"You should be now," Rex replied.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 26 Elo 2008 13:54
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Darnell tells Rachel and Kat to shut up

After Darnell had spent most of the day arguing with Kat and Sara, the housemate had a final squabble with Rex as most of the group settled down to bed.

Both Rachel and Kat struggled to get to sleep last night, with Kat apologising for keeping Rachel awake.

Rachel joked that Big Brother would have to provide an "executive hotel room" for Kat when she leaves the house so that she doesn't wake guests in nearby rooms, especially if her boyfriend is also staying there.

However, Darnell then told the pair to shut up. "Please guys, I don't give a shit," he said.

Rex branded Darnell "stupid" for his behaviour.

The pair had earlier clashed, with Rex telling Darnell to be less "negative" to other housemates.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 26 Elo 2008 13:55
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Darnell threatens to leave the house

Darnell threatened to walk this morning after growing tired of feeling "angry" and "bitter" in the house.

Speaking to his fellow housemates in the bedroom, Darnell admitted that he is ready to go home after arguing with many of the others in recent days.

Rex immediately questioned why he was so keen to return to his old life, pointing out: "You go on and on about how there's nothing for you after the show."

Darnell would not be deterred, however, claiming that he just needed to "muster up the effort" to make his final decision.

When Rex claimed that Darnell would never leave the house at such a late stage, he warned: "I'm not playing, dude."

Lisa was equally sceptical about Darnell's threats to quit, telling him: "You might as well not even think about it now, Darnell. Anyone who went now would be crazy."

"There's obviously something wrong with me, I'm never happy," he replied. "I'm so angry, I'm so bitter." He added: "I'd do this just for you guys to get in the final."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 26 Elo 2008 23:07
Kirjoittaja calderyon
IBB kirjoitti:[Day 83] Live £50,000 nominations twist tomorrow night?

It has been revealed tonight that tomorrow’s live shows will involve public nominations and £50,000.

Over the last few days there has been huge speculation about what tomorrow’s live double shows will involve. Well, tonight information has reached IBB headquarters.

Tomorrow at 9pm, Davina will host a standard highlights show. But it’s in the later show at 11.05pm when all the drama happens. In the later programme, with the clock ticking, each housemate will have to nominate in front of their fellow housemates. And that’s not all…

In a Big Brother twist the two housemates who will face this Friday’s public eviction will play a game of jeopardy, head to head, for the chance to win a jackpot of £50,000. The £50,000 will not affect the winner’s prize-fund of £100,000.

On Friday, one of the two nominees will be evicted. But they could be leaving £50,000 richer!

Exactly how the money will be given away is yet to be confirmed, but rumours circulating the internet state that the nominations will be made during the live show, and that the nominees will then compete in a ‘muddy task’, with the winner bagging the money.

We’ll bring you more on this as we get it.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 28 Elo 2008 01:20
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Tällä viikolla nimettyinä ovat Sara ja Lisa.

Tämä tarkoittaa myös sitä, että Sara ja Lisa taistelevat siitä kumpi voittaa 50 000 £ hetkisen kuluttua.

Edit. Lisa ja Sara "joutuivat" jakamaan rahasumman ja voittivat täten kumpikin 25 000 £.

Tarkempi uutinen myöhemmin...

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 28 Elo 2008 02:09
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Channel 4 kirjoitti:Nominations Face Off

Sara and Lisa will face the public vote...

Big Brother gathered the housemates in the Living Area and asked them to write their nominations on the cards provided.

As Head of House Mo handed out the cards, the others realised that what was happening was not the mid-week eviction they had expected.

"I don't wanna do this," said Rachel.

"We can't show each other..." said Lisa, wondering where this was going.

When all the housemates were finished, Big Brother continued with the Nominations Face Off.

"Darnell," said Big Brother, "please stand up."

Such was the silence you could hear a phat beat drop as sweet-soul-singer-songwriter Darnell stood up.

"Darnell," said Big Brother, "turn over your card and state the names of your two nominees."

"Sara and Lisa," said Darnell.

"Kathreya," said Big Brother, "please stand up."

"Sorry," said Kat, "Lisa and Sara."

"Lisa," said Big Brother, "please stand up."

"Rex and Rachel," said Lisa.

Soon, after nervous giggles and shock announcements, all the housemates had announced their nominations.

"I bet we're going now," said Lisa, speaking for herself and Sara.

"The housemates who face the public vote are Lisa and Sara," announced Big Brother.

There was another twist in store.

"As the final nominations of the series have now taken place," continued Big Brother, "housemates are free to discuss previous nominations."

Rex cheered when he heard he had survived to the final week.

"Would housemates remain on the sofa's until further notice," said Big Brother.

"Right, who nominated Mario?" asked Lisa.

Never mind that Lisa, who's going to win the next part of the Nominations Face Off?

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 28 Elo 2008 02:13
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Sara and Lisa become £25,000 richer

Sara and Lisa each became £25,000 richer tonight after playing a game of Prisoner's Dilemma.

After the group had nominated face to face, Sara and Lisa received the most votes and were told by Big Brother to go to the task room in the garden.

After being hugged by their fellow housemates, the pair entered the room and were told by Big Brother that one of them could win £50,000, which would be separate from the prize money.

The duo looked at each other in shock and giggled as the housemates in the living area watched on the plasma screen. "Oh my God, how amazing is that?" Rex grinned.

Big Brother explained that they must play a game of Prisoner's Dilemma. Each of them had a block with the word "share" and a block with the word "take". They were informed that they must choose one.

They were then told that if they both chose share, they would win £25,000 each. If one chose take, that person would win all £50,000. However, if both chose take, they would both leave with nothing.

The pair were given a minute to discuss their decision and immediately agreed to share. "I've got a heart of gold," Lisa declared, before adding that Sara was her "best buddy" on the show.

When Big Brother asked the housemates to choose their blocks, they both stuck to their word and chose share, meaning that they each won £25,000.

They Immediately started laughing and screaming, while Lisa ran over to hug Sara and pick her up in the air.

"I can't believe it!" Sara yelled.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 28 Elo 2008 04:44
Kirjoittaja Punde
Alku oli jänskä, mut kun nimettyinä oli lisa ja sara ni se oli melkee sillä selvä. Rexiä haluttiin sinne koppiin, tai darnellia, tai melkein ihan mitä muuta vaan yhdistelmää, kunhan ei oo lisa&sara tai rachel&kat.

Meni vähä sen takia maku "huimasta ratkaisuiden paljastuksesta", mut juu. Ihan jännä oli :)

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 28 Elo 2008 12:08
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Punde kirjoitti:Alku oli jänskä, mut kun nimettyinä oli lisa ja sara ni se oli melkee sillä selvä. Rexiä haluttiin sinne koppiin, tai darnellia, tai melkein ihan mitä muuta vaan yhdistelmää, kunhan ei oo lisa&sara tai rachel&kat.

Meni vähä sen takia maku "huimasta ratkaisuiden paljastuksesta", mut juu. Ihan jännä oli :)
Aika selvähän toi ratkaisu noiden kahden kohdalla oli. Davinan sanoin oli ihan kivaa nähdä tollanen sisterhood-hetki. Pitää varmaan korjata asennetta, ehkä kaikki naiset ei olekaan selkäänpuukottajia keskenään.

Jos Mo olisi ollut toisena osapuolena tuossa kisassa, niin kukaan ei olisi voittanut mitään. Ei kai noista kukaan olisi GM:n luottanut tuossa tilanteessa?

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 00:01
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Big Brother UK 9:n yhdentenätoista häädettävä asukas on... Lisa !!!

Yesss !!! :cheers :thumbsup [smilie=a_partyguy.gif]

Lisan häätöprosentti: 52,6 %

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 00:10
Kirjoittaja Mole
Lisa has been evicted, with 52.6 per cent of the vote...
Paskalta näyttää Rexin kannalta, mutta toivotaan parasta. Mikey korjannee default-voiton... :roll:

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 00:22
Kirjoittaja Tirkka
Olin peloissani siitä että Sara saattaa joutua ulos. Onneksi niin ei käynyt. :tu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 01:09
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Jaahas se ois sitte voittaja äänestys. Studioyleisön reaktiosta päätellen Sara olisi todella vahvoilla. Nimittäin kaikki muut sai buuauksia paitsi Sara, joka sai hurrauksia.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 01:44
Kirjoittaja Mole
calderyon kirjoitti:Jaahas se ois sitte voittaja äänestys. Studioyleisön reaktiosta päätellen Sara olisi todella vahvoilla. Nimittäin kaikki muut sai buuauksia paitsi Sara, joka sai hurrauksia.
Toki Rexilla myös hurrauksia suurin osa. Muilla kädenlämmin/negatiivinen palaute. Sikäli kun tuo pieni studioyleisö nyt vastaa suuren äänestävän yleisön mielipidettä.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 10:48
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Mole kirjoitti:
calderyon kirjoitti:Jaahas se ois sitte voittaja äänestys. Studioyleisön reaktiosta päätellen Sara olisi todella vahvoilla. Nimittäin kaikki muut sai buuauksia paitsi Sara, joka sai hurrauksia.
Toki Rexilla myös hurrauksia suurin osa. Muilla kädenlämmin/negatiivinen palaute. Sikäli kun tuo pieni studioyleisö nyt vastaa suuren äänestävän yleisön mielipidettä.
Toivottavasti suuri äänestävä yleisö on samoilla linjoilla studioyleisön kanssa. Talossa jäljellä olevista Sara on ollut pitkälti aidoin ja positiivisin asukas. Ja oishan se "pieni" näpäytys muille asukkaille, kun intruuderi veisi 25 tonnin lisäksi pääpotin. Vois olla itsetutkiskelun paikka monelle.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 16:09
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Kat sees Darnell's "sausage"

Tipsy housemates created a jovial atmosphere in the basic bedroom last night.

Mohamed, Kat, Rex and Darnell led most of the games, including towel whipping, throwing tampons at fellow housemates and hiding under each other's beds.

"Anyone comes near me, I'm going to scream," warned Kat, as Mohamed prowled housemates' beds while gripping a towel.

As Darnell headed into the bathroom, Kat screamed wildly after his boxer shorts came down and she saw his "sausage".

Most of the group were also the butt of teasing, with Rex joking about Darnell's flirting with Sara. "You got your baby oil here Darnell, just gonna leave it in Sara's bed," he said.

Kat insinuated that Rex spent a lot of time looking at x-rated material on the internet. She told the housemate he spent time surfing "".

Rex countered by calling Kat a "sexpot".

However, the conversation also encountered the bizarre, with housemates talking about urinating on each other and Mikey telling the group that a uterus was the only inedible part of a woman's body

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 16:12
Kirjoittaja calderyon
The Sun kirjoitti:Sara, Darn in raunchy pool romp

ON-AGAIN, off-again friends Sara and Darnell set tongues wagging with a raunchy midnight romp in the pool.

The pair - who have only just started talking again after a massive argument - got up close and personal as the Aussie beauty celebrated surviving tonight's eviction.

After downing half a bottle of wine, tipsy Sara jumped fully-clothed into the swimming pool and coaxed Darnell into joining her.

The Albino singer - who has admitted to having a major crush on Sara - didn't hesitate and wrapped his arms around her as she straddled him.

The pair then canoodled as bemused housemates looked on, and Sara giggled while Darnell blew bubbles on her stomach and kissed her neck.

As the couple took their antics indoors to the spa, the other HMs expressed their fears that the drunken display would end in tears for Darnell.

"Darnell is getting suckered again by Sara," Rex observed.

"Sara reacts in a certain way...she is basically giving him the impression that she likes him too, but it's not like that."

The rapper - who only last night revealed he had a girl waiting for him on the outside - was devastated when it became clear that Sara only had eyes for former HM Stu.

This week he called her a "sl*t" and a "b*tch" after she denied him.

But after tonight's pool-ing around, the dramas of this week seem a distant memory.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 30 Elo 2008 19:55
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex: 'Mo is worst Head of House ever'

Rex branded Mo the "worst Head of House ever" in a conversation with Mikey and Kat today.

Having already expressed his disappointment
at the elected candidate, Rex went on to personally attack the group’s leader.

"Mohamed is the laziest git on the planet," he said. "He’s so lazy, that boy. I don’t understand why everyone would go for him."

"I’m just glad I didn’t vote for him," said Mikey.

Kat suggested that the group had only voted for Mo "because he want it so much".

"If he wanted it so much he could have tried harder to get it," replied Rex. "Now we’ve given it to him, he couldn’t care less. He’s the worst Head of House ever. He’s awful."

"And we’re on basic budget because of him," chipped in Mikey.

"Yep," confirmed Rex. "Worst Head of House ever."