Sivu 7/7

Lähetetty: 30 Loka 2007 17:45
Kirjoittaja Spencer

Lähetetty: 05 Marras 2007 14:12
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Now Magazine kirjoitti: Chris Neal says he's a Big Brother two-timer

Baby-faced Chris Neal is proud to boast he two-timed Big Brother contestant Nikki Grahame with pal Chantelle Houghton.

He and Nikki got together at a polo event in July and enjoyed a great sex life.

But she made the mistake of introducing the electrician to Chantelle at an Essex night club.

'Despite Nikki being there, I just couldn't take my eyes off Chantelle,' he admits. 'I gave her a little pinch on the bum and she responded positively.'

After some frantic texting, Chris, 26, claims Chantelle, 24 - newly separated from husband Sam Preston - invited him to her home in Billericay, Essex for a lot more than a little kiss and cuddle on the sofa.

The CBB winner wore black diamante-studded knee-high boots.

'I thought Christmas had come early,' Chris tells the News Of The World. 'At one point they were all she was wearing.'

Their secret liaisons were discovered when Nikki, 25, caught them snogging in a taxi, says the 6ft love rat. Now he's not with either girl but has no regrets. He's just puzzled as to why Chantelle has had a breast enhancement.

'I didn't like Nikki's boob job - they looked and felt fake,' he says. 'Chantelle's were nice and pert. I can't understand why she recently had a boob job. She was perfect.'


Lähetetty: 04 Joulu 2007 18:02
Kirjoittaja Spencer
The Sun kirjoitti: Nikki hurt by Chantelle

BIG BRUV babe Nikki Grahame has accused former pal Chantelle of seeking out men who are already attached.

She spilled the beans after ex-love Chris Neal cheated on her with the surgically-enhanced Celeb BB winner.

Nikki told new!: "When the story came out I rang her and she got very defensive and denied it.

"They both took me for a fool.

"But she must have a thing for blokes that are already with someone.

"She did it to Preston when he was with Camille [Aznar] and she did it to Chris when he was with me."

But the party animal seems to have got over the trauma, as she partied during a photo shoot with BB pals Danielle Lloyd, Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace and Orlaith McAllister.

The buxom babes chatted about their Christmas plans and who they'd like to kiss under the mistletoe.

Nikki said: "I'm going to Dubai with my mum and my sister Natalie, so I'll be sunbathing on Christmas Day.

"I can't take this cold any more."

Orlaith said she'd spend it at home, while Aisleyne seems to have manipulated her fame into some amazing freebies.

She said: "My birthday is three days after Christmas and Pacha in Marrakech has offered me use of the club.

"And they've got a two-star Michelin restaurant there, too.

"I can stay in this five-bedroom villa with a maid for free!"

Lähetetty: 20 Tammi 2008 23:27
Kirjoittaja Spencer
Oikotimes kirjoitti: Nikki Grahame wants to enter for the UK

Nikki Grahame, the former housemate on Channel 4’s Big Brother has shown interest in doing Eurovision. During a web chat on Virgin Bingo, Nikki was asked if rumours of her doing Eurovision were true and the ex glamour model quoted in reply “I’d love to do Eurovision!”

The 25 year old beauty is very popular with the British audience as not only has she taken part in Big Brother, but has also starred in her own television series on the E4 channel ‘Princess Nikki.’ Might Nikki do any better than Katie Price in MYMU 2005? Could Nikki Grahame be flying the flag for the United Kingdom in Belgrade? Stay tuned for more information.
Nikki Euroviisuihin! :festari:

Lähetetty: 05 Helmi 2008 01:16
Kirjoittaja Spencer
My Fear of Germs is Ruling My Life

Nikki Grahame has beaten anorexia, but now obsessive compulsive behaviour is taking over her life.

As I brush my teeth for the fourth time today, I imagine what they'd look like if I never brushed them at all. In my mind, I see mould covering my mouth and wince at how disgusting that would be.

Carrying my toothbrush downstairs, I carefully wrap the end in kitchen paper and tuck it away in the cutlery drawer.

I always wrap my toothbrush in kitchen paper, never toilet roll, which is so dirty. I'd never put it near my face, except to blow my nose.

I can't understand people who leave anything in the bathroom. It's dirty and full of germs. When I flush the toilet, I imagine particles jumping out all over the loo roll.

I know this is odd, but I suffer from obsessive compulsive behaviour. My doctor diagnosed it last year.

I was anorexic from the age of eight, and spent the next eight years in and out of hospital. I'm 25 now, and I fought long and hard to live my life without anorexia.

When people say I'm relapsing, it makes me look as if I'm struggling, and I'm not. I'm living a normal life and eating a healthy diet.

People get confused when they see me because I'm very slim, but I'm in proportion for my height of 5ft 2in. I never weigh myself because weight just isn't an issue anymore.

Being in control
Keeping everything clean is my focus now. I had a slight cleaning obsession when I was anorexic, but I've become worse. I was 15 when the urge started, but it grew stronger when I came out of hospital.

I stopped channelling my problems into losing weight, and started to worry about germs.

If I'm out in a bar and buying a drink, I have to watch the barman. If he puts a straw in my drink, I have to take it out, pretend it dropped on the floor and get a new one myself. I don't trust their fingers.

My obsession gets worse if I'm tired or in a bad mood. Once, a barman put his hand in the ice bucket and then put the ice in my drink. I was in a bad mood anyway, so I just threw my glass into the ice bucket.

I struggle to eat out. I'll go to restaurants and as long as I don't see the chef or anyone touching my food, I'm ok. If I do, I won't eat it.

I prefer packet sandwiches for lunch because I think the packet protects them from germs. Deep down, I know someone has made the sandwich, but I haven't seen them do it or watched them put it in a packet. If I'd seen them make it, I couldn't eat it.

I love going on holiday, though. I'm obsessive about anything within my control, and when I'm abroad, I feel as though everything is out of my control. So I have to switch off and let everyone else get on with things.

I hate being so obsessive, it takes up so much time. When I get up in the morning, I have to wash my cup before I make tea, even though it's already clean. I have to see that it's been physically washed.

Then I have to wash the spoon, my bowl and my plate. It's the same for every meal, unless I'm in a restaurant.

I don't like people sitting on my bed because they may have been sitting in their car or on a bus in the same clothes, and spread germs.

Before I touch my face, I have to wash my hands. And if I walk past someone in the street, I have to cover my nose and mouth in case germs get in me. I do the same if a car goes past.

Looking for love
I'm still single and looking for Mr Right, and I'm hopeful he'll turn up. If I was out on a date, though, I'd still be obsessive. If he bought me a drink in the pub and the glass was dirty, I'd tell him it smelled and ask him to get me another one.

If he came back with a straw in the glass, I'd have to take it out. Being obsessive about germs is something I just have to cope with. It's like a job, I check what I eat and make sure everything in my home is as clean as I can make it. It helps me to feel in control.

I know it's odd, but it's not a problem in the way that my anorexia was. It won't kill me.

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 15 Marras 2008 10:10
Kirjoittaja Spencer

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 15 Marras 2008 12:15
Kirjoittaja Brand
Ei Imogenin vanhoissa ollut mitään vikaa. Vaikea ymmärtää tuotakin.

Topless kuva: ... less_6.jpg

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 15 Marras 2008 15:56
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Brand kirjoitti:Ei Imogenin vanhoissa ollut mitään vikaa. Vaikea ymmärtää tuotakin.
Jos sen idoli on Lea?

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 24 Marras 2008 00:51
Kirjoittaja Jaake
Spencer kirjoitteli tuolla Nikkin fanitusketjussaan.. en vastaa sinne koska se ei ilmeisesti ole minkäänlaista kritiikkiä varten.
Tomi- kirjoitti:Mie en tajua miten kukaan näkee henkisestä epävakaan ja sairaan ihmisen raivonpurkauksissa mitään hauskaa, olihan ne avautumiset ensimmäiset viikot ihan hassua seurattavaa mutta sittekun huomas että tyttö on oikeasti sairas ne alkoi lähinnä säälittämään ja en ihmettele yhtään että Nikki äänestettiin pois 8 viikon jälkeen. Sen vielä ymmärtäis jos noi kohtaukset ois vaan ollu talon sisällä tapahtuvaa showta mut likka kun on samanlainen talon ulkopuolella ni huah.

Finaalin häätö ja haastattelu olivat kanssa semmonen 'show' et oksat pois.

Ei nyt UKBB7 huonoin asukas läheskään ollut mutta en vaan voi mitenkään käsittää sen suosiota tai viihdyttävyyttä.
Spencer kirjoitti:^ Ja tuohan on vain ja ainoastaan sinun mielipiteesi. Yleisesti juuri kukaan ei ole kanssasi samaa mieltä.
Kun nyt itse olen jokseenkin samoilla linjoilla kuin Tomi-, ja olen myös varsinkin BBUK7:n aikaan jutellut paljon sarjan seuraajien kanssa ympäri maailman, niin voin sanoa, että tuo "yleisesti juuri kukaan ei ole kanssasi samaa mieltä" kyllä pätee yleisesti lähinnä tuolla Nikkin fanitusketjussa.. siitä ei minkäänlaista normia saa kyllä tekemälläkään. Nikki-fanien vastapainona on kuitenkin suuri joukko ihmisiä jotka ovat sitä mieltä että Nikkillä ei todellakaan ole kaikki kunnossa ja sitä meininkiä on lähinnä ahdistava katsoa.

Minulla on tapana palata tämän asian äärelle aina silloin tällöin, ainakin nyt tällaisessa tilanteessa on ihan pakko.


Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 24 Marras 2008 01:07
Kirjoittaja Punde
Mie komppaan Tomi-:a ja Jaakea kyllä tässä. Mutta siitä kaudesta on jo kohta 2,5 vuotta aikaa, joten samapa se lopulta. Nikki oli hauska, kunnes homma meni överiks ja kaikeks muuks kuin hauskaks.

Viimeistään kakkosstintin aikana alkoi olla jo puhdasta roolinvetoa, joka ei sitten enää uponnutkaan juuri kehenkään. (nikkifanipiirien ulkopuolella!)

Ihan kiva, mutta liika on aina liikaa.

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 13 Heinä 2010 19:09
Kirjoittaja keisarin
Järkyttävä uutinen koskien minun avatarhahmoani: ... herry.html

Re: UK BB7 2006

Lähetetty: 13 Heinä 2010 19:49
Kirjoittaja Spencer
^ Minä jo luulin, että viikatemies kävi kylässä. Eipä tuo minua mitenkään järkyttänyt.