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Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 01 Syys 2008 01:03
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Channel 4 kirjoitti:Kat And Darnell: The Big Bust Up

The pair row, Kat cries and Darnell threatens to leave the House...

After a long day waiting on the Heads Of House, Big Brother finally freed Kathreya and Sara from their serving roles. And while they got changed, the Heads Of House were summoned to the Diary Room to discuss their day. But Kathreya and Sara got it into their heads that there was something going on...

"We were ******** ourselves," said Sara with a laugh when the others came out of the Diary Room, "we thought you had to choose someone to be evicted tonight!"

"I was very scared," added Kathreya.

Then as a joke, perhaps foolishly, Rex made an announcement: "All five of us were asked if we had to choose, who would we choose to leave, Kathreya or Sara?"

At this point Darnell and Mohamed both said they'd choose Kathreya and joked around with her, but it was a joke too far. Within seconds, Kathreya had run to the Diary Room door.

"I'm very, very sad Darnell," she sighed as she waited for Big Brother.

"Oh my god, get over yourself," said Darnell. "You know damn well we don't want you to go dude."

But Kathreya wasn't having any of it. "You always down people. You always make people feel bad. No-one's real to you, everyone does something wrong. Everyone gets close to you and you push away all the time."

"Whatever Kat, honestly," said an exasperated Darnell.

"You've been down on me every single day, every single week... say I'm fake... ...I'm real all the time," argued a sobbing Kathreya.

"All she has to do is ******* cry, or put on a sad face," Darnell shouted at the cameras. "I'm out of my league Big Brother."

And from then Kathreya couldn't get one tearful word in -- it was just one huge rant from Darnell. "I ******* hate this **** man. Please don't talk to me Kat. Whatever I say I'm gonna look like an *******. We don't have to be friends. You just do you and I'll do me."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 01 Syys 2008 18:37
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Sara, Mo clash over cigarettes

Sara and Mohamed rowed this morning after the latter refused to share his cigarettes.

As the pair woke up in B-block, Mohamed told Sara that he did not have enough cigarettes left to spare her one.

"I'd put a million pounds on the fact that you have a full packet of cigarettes left, Mo," Rex said.

When the toy demonstrator admitted that he did, Sara accused him of being "greedy".

"If I was you right now and had one packet left, having kept six packets aside, and wasn't going to give you a cigarette, you'd have a go at me," Sara fumed.

Rex told him: "Your behaviour around sharing is disgusting."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 01 Syys 2008 18:42
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:Mo smashes new coffee maker

Mohamed broke the group's brand new coffee maker this morning.

The machine was provided by Big Brother as a treat yesterday afternoon.

After washing out the pot, Mohamed bashed it repeatedly against the kitchen side board in an attempt to dislodge some stubborn coffee.

He leaped back in shock when the pot smashed in his hands, muttering "idiot" under his breath.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 01 Syys 2008 18:44
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Mohamed struggles to stay awake

Mohamed struggled to stay awake this afternoon.

As he lay on one of the sofas in the living area, his eyes drooped shut and Big Brother started playing the alarm to wake him up.

"Who's that?" Michael shouted, as Mohamed sat up looking dazed.

The second time it happened, Mohamed claimed: "I wasn't even sleeping!"

However, the alarms failed to deter the dozy housemate, who continued to nod off. Big Brother was forced to repeatedly play the wake-up calls and started making them louder.

"Mohamed, you suck!" shouted Rex from the pool, as the toy demonstrator continued to snooze.

Meanwhile, Michael got up from his sunlounger chanting "quack quack" and threatened to squirt Mohamed with the rubber duck.

Despite this, Mohamed carried on napping, causing Michael to declare that he had serious problems and Rex to joke that he should be ejected.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 01 Syys 2008 19:50
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Mikey: 'I don't fancy Rachel'

Mikey told Mohamed this afternoon that, despite what people say, he does not fancy Rachel.

The pair have been teased in the past because of their very close relationship.

"Contrary to popular belief, Mohamed, I don't actually fancy Rachel," Mikey said as the group sat around the living area.

"I just like her as a friend," he added.

"We have been friends since day one," Rachel chimed in.

Mikey went on to explain that he believes many friendships are ruined when the couple decide to take their relationship to the next level.

"So you don't want to go out with Rachel then?" Mohamed asked, smiling.

"It's absolutely nothing like that," Rachel told him.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:20
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Mo and Sara win cooking challenge

Mo and Sara looked ecstatic as Rex announced them as the outright winners of the cooking challenge this evening, hugging as they were praised for their perfectly cooked meal.

As the elected Head Chef, Rex had to teach the group, divided into pairs, how to make Steak Béarnaise and a blueberry soufflé. He was provided with ingredients but no recipe.

The three sets of pairs all presented their meals to the Head Chef, who tasted each in turn. As he sampled the dishes, Rex told Sara and Mohamed that he was "very impressed", saying their steak was "cooked perfectly" and was "well-seasoned".

When he came to Darnell and Kat, who performed a dance to try and gain bonus points, Rex was less complimentary. Upon viewing their mashed potato, he told them: "It's extremely lumpy. It looks like it's got foreign objects in there." When he mentioned that there was no salt on their green beans, Kat remarked: "It's the healthy option!"

Mikey and Rachel were last to be judged. They told Rex that they had cooked their steak rare because they knew he liked it that way, but he later told them that it was pretty much blue. "Presentation's a little bit sloppy," he added.

As Rex was asked to announce the winning pair, he told the expectant housemates: "Without any shadow of a doubt. There was no competition, it outshone the other food by miles."

Winners Mo and Sara were then told by Big Brother that they would receive their reward later.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:21
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex jealous of winners' trophy

Rex appeared to be jealous as cooking challenge winners Sara and Mohamed emerged from the Diary Room with a trophy this evening.

The trophy, made from wooden spoons, announced the owner as 'Big Brother Executive Chef of the Year'. Sara came out of the Diary Room holding it up and screaming as the group gathered round, but Rex, who is an Executive Chef outside the house, appeared envious of the prize.

As housemates examined the alcohol given as a reward for completing the task, Rex picked up the trophy. He then looked up at one of the cameras, pointed to the trophy and then pointed to himself.

As his upset became clear to the other housemates, they began to laugh at him. "Why you want that anyway? It's only a wooden stick stuck on a rock," mused Kat. "You're so funny," she added.

Rex attempted to go into the Diary Room to talk about the task, but Big Brother would not let him in. Becoming frustrated, he shouted: "Oh Nicole, why did you have to get yourself kicked out, I need a cuddle now! Now!"

Winners Sara and Mohamed offered him goods in exchange for the trophy, but he told them that it would not mean anything as he had not won it himself.

When Mikey reasoned that Rex had chosen the winning team himself, Rex replied: "Oh no, I don't want a trophy, it's just a joke," before giving up on the Diary Room to go into the garden.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:22
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex wants winner to be a "shock"

Housemates were in the living area at bedtime when Rex predicted that Darnell will be placed in the top two.

"I would love it if there was a complete shocker," he said. "I think the person who it would make the biggest difference to win would be you though, Darnell.

"That would give you everything you ever wanted."

He went on to say: "I’m going for Darnell [in the] top one or two. First or second place, 100%."

Rex also admitted that Kat could be right with her prediction that Rachel will do well.

"Rachel has, basically, the whole of Wales. Mikey has the whole of Scotland. And us lot share London," he said.

Darnell added that Mikey has a strong chance, saying he "knows for a fact" that Dale, Stuart, Bex and Luke will be voicing their support for him.

Kat agreed, saying Lisa and Mario would also be backing the Scot.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:24
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex and Rachel argue over Nicole

The rocky friendship of Rex and Rachel suffered another blip last night.

Trouble started when he asked her why she had chosen to nominate the chef.

"I nominated you because of the way you were with Nicole, for the way you treated people, the way you treated me," Rachel explained.

"What do you mean the way I was with Nicole?" he asked.

"When she was in the house, you were not a very nice person," she answered.

She added that the way Rex spoke to Kat sometimes was also a problem.

Annoyed by Rachel's explanation, Rex countered by contrasting the pair's 'real' and 'fake' behaviour.

"I'm not fucking fake all day, skipping around the fucking clouds going 'la la la la la la la'. I'm real. I have my ups and I have my downs. The way you deal with things is by agreeing with everyone."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:25
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Rex: 'You made no effort with Nicole'

Rex admitted last night that he might have preferred Nicole not to be in Big Brother.

Rachel had initially offended Rex by explaining that her reason for nominating the chef was primarily Nicole-related.

Still brooding over the argument, he then passed a barbed comment that neither Rachel nor Mohamed made an effort to speak to Nicole.

Rachel responded that she wasn't keen on Nicole's attitude. "I was nice to her when she arrived. I admit, in the end, I distanced myself because of her negativity," she said.

Despite missing Nicole, Rex said if Big Brother had given him the choice he wouldn't have brought Nicole into the house and was glad when she was evicted.

"If anything, I thought it was a good thing that Nicole went, because she didn't want to be here," he said.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 14:26
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Darnell tells Sara: "I'm scared to leave"

Darnell told Sara this morning that he is scared to leave the Big Brother house.

Sara mentioned that there are just three days remaining before the final as the pair chatted in B-block after breakfast.

"You know I've been institutionalised by Big Brother, right?" he said. "I don't want to leave. I'm scared to leave."

"I don't want to leave. I'm going to miss the fun-ness of it all," Sara said.

Darnell went on to say that he doesn't want to go back to his life because "it sucks".

"I bet it will be a lot more exciting when you come out," Sara reassured him."I think Big Brother has done you big favours."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 17:03
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Mikey predicts an eviction

Mikey predicted there could be a surprise eviction today, adding that it was too quiet in the Big Brother house.

Sitting in the living area with Rachel this lunchtime, he told her it was "all quiet on the western front".

The Scot added that it was "very possible" that housemates could be facing a shock eviction.

Rachel had just told Mikey there are only two days left in the house.

However, Mikey pointed out that everyone was getting ahead of themselves and that there are four full days left including today.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 17:33
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IBB kirjoitti:Day 90] Tonight’s double eviction details

Two housemates will be evicted tonight cross-dressed in a shock double eviction during a party.

The Daily Star has reported that tonight the housemates will be told by Big Brother to dress up as one another, and if they do this they will be rewarded with a party.

Tonight there will be two special Channel 4 shows – the first from 8 to 9pm and the second from 10 to 11.05pm. During this programme, viewers will see the housemates enjoy their cross-dressing party.

However as the party starts, Davina will call up the house twice and reveal that she is about to evict someone. The two housemates who have polled the lowest number of votes to win will be evicted.

And it will be humiliating for the two evictees, who will have to walk out as cross-dressed housemates.

A show insider said: “It’s going to be a big shock for everyone. It’ll be hilarious – Kat could have to leave dressed as Rex.”

The five remaining housemates will then progress to the final on Friday, where one of them will be crowned winner of Big Brother 2008.

Keep it here!

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 18:57
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Darnell: "There is a double standard"

Darnell told Mikey today that most of the housemates who say they want him to win are only trying to appear "cool".

He said if Mikey was sighted and behaved as he had, he would have been ousted from the house long before now.

Sitting in the garden, Darnell said: "The conversation is who do you want to win. Most of the housemates say you, and I always say I don’t understand that because the same housemates who say this don’t even know you. They haven’t spent any time with you so I don’t understand."

"I feel like they say you because it makes them look cool, it makes them look better."

Rachel said housemates like Mikey because of his humour and honesty. However, Darnell said if Mikey were to win it should be because people got to know him and not because he is blind.

Mikey told Darnell not to put his own insecurities on to him, adding that he was the same person before he lost his sight.

"If you were sighted and you acted as you have, you would be gone," Darnell said. "I think there is a double standard."

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 19:09
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Housemates to impersonate each other

Housemates will spend the day impersonating each other in a bid to win a luxury hamper.

Big Brother revealed the task to the group this lunchtime, promising a box filled with delights should their mimicking satisfy.

The task is aimed at revealing how well group members know their fellow housemates.

Reading from a laminate, Rex announced that costumes inspired by each housemate will be provided.

As soon as the outfits are delivered, the group heard that they must put them on immediately and become the character until further notice.

To satisfy Big Brother, housemates must refer to each other by the name of the person they are impersonating, as well as copy their mannerisms, the way they speak and their habits.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 02 Syys 2008 23:55
Kirjoittaja Mole
Eipä ole suora tämä kohta alkava toinen lähetys, mutta eihän se taida koskaan olla.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 00:20
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Big Brother UK 9:n kahdentenatoista häädettävä asukas on... Mohamed !!!

Mohamedin häätöprosentti: 1,80 %

Huom!!! Tällä kertaa häätöprosentti on kiilpailijan kokonaisosuus voittajaäänistä.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 00:26
Kirjoittaja Big Mother
Jes! Tätä ollaan odotettu!

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 00:32
Kirjoittaja kiinteistöprinssi
Big Mother kirjoitti:Jes! Tätä ollaan odotettu!
Todellakin! Mo veikkaili Saran olevan seuraava lähtijä ja Darnell tai Kat tulee voittamaan. Hope not.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 00:35
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Big Brother UK 9:n kolmantenatoista häädettävä asukas on... Kathreya !!!

Yeeessss !!!! :thumbsup :cheers

Wohooo !!! [smilie=a_partyguy.gif] [smilie=a_bravo.gif] [smilie=a_goodjob.gif]

Kathreyan häätöprosentti: 4,90 %

Huom!!! Tällä kertaa häätöprosentti on kiilpailijan kokonaisosuus voittajaäänistä.

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 05:38
Kirjoittaja Punde
Nyt vaan kaikki peukut, varpaat ja.. nenät pystyyn ja toivotaan ettei rachel vie titteliä.

Olen äärimmäisen tyytyväine mahtavaan kauteen tähän mennessä, kaikki suosikit finaalissa, mut jos rachel ton voittaa ni... Huoh. Se ois sama ku sbb3 jussi voittais bb:n.


Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Lähetetty: 03 Syys 2008 14:16
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Digital Spy kirjoitti: Mohamed: "Greedy Mo is not fair"

Mohamed became the twelfth evictee of the series tonight, leaving the house with 1.8% of the vote to win.

The surprise eviction shocked the housemates, and Mohamed wiped a tear away before leaving to a mixture of cheers and boos.

The highlights of Mohamed's interview:

On leaving the house in a surprise eviction: "I wish I'd brought my comb out with me! I'm still shaking, I didn't expect that... We thought it was possible. We were definitely expecting it, but when we received the task we weren't expecting it. We completely forgot about it."

On being called 'Greedy Mo': "It's not fair. If there's a spare chicken and no-one wants it, I'm going to have it. It has to be ate. I'm not going to throw it away, other people in the world are starving."

On the friction between Rex, Sara and Darnell: "I don't think they were bullying her at all. They were just winding her up as they always did... I thought: 'Oh, OK, what's she crying for?' They were just playing a game... I knew Sara didn't like me anyway."

On Sara spending time with him: "She did, as soon as Stuart, Dale and everyone left and she didn't have a smoking partner to smoke with."

On Darnell and Sara's relationship: "I think she flirted with Darnell and Stu for a purpose... As far as I know, she doesn't fancy him but Darnell genuinely likes her. We've been telling him every morning it's dangerous... For that moment he leaves it alone then he goes back to it later."

On Kathreya and Darnell's argument: "Kat is happy at all occasions. Darnell is happy at some times and not others. He's a genuine guy and he's been through a lot - Kat's so happy he can't believe it. I do think it is her. I like her."

On Rachel: "I don't know what to say about her. Every time I look at her I look at her arse... I'm not being rude, she's got a nice arse."

On Rex's control of the house: "He does have power, probably because of him being a chef. When Nicole came in he changed as well, and he wasn't the way he was, but now he's back... He can be a nice guy, but he can be really horrible, especially when he gets into arguments... I think people genuinely like him."

On eating Michael's bogey: "I didn't really do it! There were two fingers, I swapped for the other one... It was worth it."

On who he wants to win: "Darnell or Kathreya, personally for me."