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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 29 Heinä 2010 13:52
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 50 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Following Laura's exit from the show, a number of the housemates were talking about how difficult it is in the house. "Everyone that’s auditioned thinks they can handle it in here and you don’t know until your in here," John James stated. "She would have done so well in this house," Rachel said, saying she wished the 20-year-old had stayed.

* Ben returned from the Diary Room saying that he had sorted out an 'admin issue' with Big Brother. When quizzed on what it was, the broadcaster said: "A little private arrangement I have with someone." "Ding dong!" replied Steve.

* Josie saw that Andrew was feeling down and went to try and cheer him up. "I want to make you feel better but I don’t know what to do," she said. "I just don’t want to go. It has to happen sometime doesn't it? It's just 'cause I've had such a great time here," he explained. Josie told him he still had plenty of time in the house, "There is still more to come, I know there is for you," she reassured him.

* David teased Ben about this Friday's eviction, suggesting he would be voted out of the house. "Just tell my wife I love her when you see her," he joked. "I'll be going home with her, back to South Wales," Ben said. "Glory time," added Andrew suggestively.

* John James told Josie: "I love the gap in your teeth," which sparked a back-and-forth exchange of features they liked about one another. "I love your funny eye brows," Josie replied, "I love your pumpkin head," John James responded before Josie said: "I love the way your eyelashes look, a bit singed.

* Mario commented to Corin this morning that it was Day 50 of Big Brother and that it was a "cheap holiday" for the two. He continued: "If for some reason one of us is evicted next Friday we would have been here 59 days." "We would have missed so much wouldn’t we if we'd gone when we were up?" Corin replied.

* Steve tricked Jo and Corin into believing he was thinking of walking after Laura's departure this morning. "He misses his kids and that... he told me about this yesterday, told me not to say anything," John James said, continuing the joke. However, Steve soon revealed it was a trick, adding: "That was brilliant acting John, I didn’t think I'd hold it in."

* Corin continued discussing her attraction to new housemate JJ. "I'm just watching JJ get ready, you can look but don’t touch," Corin said to Jo as she sat on the bed. Later when JJ entered the room, she commented that everyone she has shared a bed with has either walked or been evicted.

* Josie and John James cuddled up in bed before the rounders game today. "You like looking after me? I look like looking after you as well," Josie said. "You make me feel really special, you just genuinely do care for me so much." As John James was called by JJ to begin playing rounders, Josie then began pulling him back into the bed.

* Housemates had a short game of rounders this afternoon, where the winning team consisted of Andrew, Corin, David and Mario. "I'm sick of always being on the losing team now - whatever team I'm on loses," Josie said afterwards. Later John James joked to Rachel: "Note to self - don't pick Rachel for anything," after noticing her lack of effort in the game.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:Marcus Bentley enters Big Brother house

Marcus Bentley, Big Brother's iconic narrator since its first episode, has entered the house as part of this week's 'Ignore The Obvious' task.

As several housemates sat by the sofas, Bentley suddenly arrived via the Diary Room. He held a microphone and said: "6.40pm. Some of the housemates are in the living room."

Housemates including David and Steve did their best to ignore the Geordie, as the minister spoke of the "love in his belly" for Steve. David let out a giggle when Bentley said: "6.45pm. Dave and Steve are talking, about love."

Bentley continued to follow housemates around while the group tried not to laugh. JJ attempted a Bentley impression when the narrator was sat near him in the garden.

While housemates were by the sofas, Bentley said: "Josie and John James are discussing, having a lie down." This prompted the pair and Rachel to burst into laughter. John James then sneakily placed a Jaffa Cake next to Bentley, who gladly accepted it.

The narrator also followed Corin and Jo to the bathroom, and rested on Ben's bed. After around 40 minutes, Bentley went to the Diary Room, where he could be heard saying: "Is that enough, yeah?"
Digital Spy kirjoitti:Estate agent shows couple around BB house

An estate agent showed a couple around the Big Brother house this evening as part of today's 'Ignore The Obvious' task.

Entering the property at around 10.30pm, the trio headed in through the front door and proceeded to walk through to the living room. "A warning – the current owners aren't really looking after the place," explained the estate agent, who began talking them through the decor, fixtures and fittings.

"It's a little bit over-decorated if you ask me. A little bit over-designed. I don't know who did it but they really went for it... It's very, very cheaply made. I believe there's permission to take out this wall... and the ceiling too. So basically you've got a blank canvas here. Just take a moment! Have a look, relax."

Steve, John James, Rachel and Josie were sitting on the sofas ignoring the newcomers, who soon headed out to the garden. "The whole place is liable to collapse at any minute... but you've got a paddling pool there," reported the estate agent.

"Beyond the wall is a nice view. It's absolutely beautiful. But that's a listed wall. You can't move that... and there's no moles. This is a gardener's wet dream. Thousands and thousands of rats but no moles... as I mentioned before, the previous tenants have really trashed the place."

Keeping an eye on proceedings yet not acknowledging there was anything awry, the housemates began an energetic game of catch in the garden, whooping and shouting every time one of them caught the ball.

They then followed the trio of guests into the kitchen, and then to the bedroom and bathroom.

Finally, the estate agent and couple sat on the sofas to discuss the property. The man said that the house was "interesting", and the woman called it "unusual".

"That sounds like a buying signal to me," continued the estate agent, asking if they'd seen any other properties they're interested in. "We looked at a place in Albert Square... the location wasn't really what we were looking for," they replied. "Downmarket," nodded the estate agent, advising them to put in an offer as soon as possible. "But between me and you... make it low. Make it a low offer."

The couple decided that they'd "seen enough" and they all promptly exited through the front doors. "I really hate it," slammed the girl, once out of earshot.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 29 Heinä 2010 22:57
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 51 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

# After Ben seemed certain he would be going in tomorrow's eviction, Jo warned that it is never "a full-blown conclusion". After he replied that John James would certainly be safe, she replied: "It's never sure though."

# John James asked Mario why he thought Ben was going to be evicted tomorrow. "Only 'cause the past week he's been really miserable," he explained. "I don’t think they’ll vote you out 'cause of the romance going on between you and Josie."

# Meanwhile David was in the bedroom complaining about Mario. Speaking about John James's opinion of him, David said: "All these tantrums, all these games. He said he didn’t know how to address it, I said people have had a pop at him, it's becoming more and more isn’t it?" Later, when last week's musical shopping task was brought up, David added: "Mole was going on about that video, I was like, 'You're never going to be a popstar, get over it'."

# Joking about the task, Steve said: "Wouldn't be nice if the garden was full of scantily clad cheerleaders on this 'nothing' day, 20 to 25... give the old boy a bit of a perk up?" Later, his wife appeared in the garden.

# As Rachel was watching over the house from the kitchen, she joked to Andrew that she was "watching Big Brother". "I think I'll change the channel," Andrew said as he noticed nothing was happening in the house.

# Josie commented on Rachel and Ben's past feud, stating: "Rachel's all about romance, I think she's trying to find that with Ben," leading Jo to reply: "Ben's not a bad guy but there's no romance from him."

# Mario continued to try to wind up Jo, convincing JJ and Corin to join him in standing around Jo in the bathroom silently while staring at her. Jo managed to ignore the trio as they carried out their prank, telling David who was sat opposite her, "What I'm surprised at is the other two nothings he's managed to get involved," as Mario burst into laughter. David then noted that Corin looked like Nanny McPhee as she tried to keep an expressionless face.

# Ben, David and Andrew have been discussing the bed habits of John James and Josie, with Ben wondering if they have actually done anything in bed. "Anything productive? No, but maybe some things that are counterproductive," Andrew told him. David then did an impression of Big Brother narrator Marcus Bentley, saying: "Day 51 in the Big Brother house and John James and Josie are still in bed. They've now been in bed for 51 days!"

# Corin questioned Josie on how far she and John James have gone romantically, asking whether they had snogged yet. After Josie confirmed that they had, Corin asked whether she was "loving it". Josie told her that it was hard with lots of people around before Corin suggested they both sneak off into the wardrobe.
Muita uutisia:

Zombies haunt the Big Brother bedroom ... droom.html

Housemates bemoan 'Ignoring' task ... -task.html

Tourists enter the house for the task ... -task.html

Steve and David's wives visit house ... house.html

Davina McCall to enter BB11 house ... house.html

Wilding enters compound to taunt housemates ... mates.html

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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 30 Heinä 2010 22:32
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra - Day 52 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Ben said that he believes he will be leaving tonight, but Jo reassured him that he's "charming" and "never horrible to anyone". Ben replied: "Thank you, that's a lovely thing to say." Ben and Josie agreed that Jo had improved the house since her arrival.

* Mario comforted Andrew, who seemed worried about tonight's eviction. He said: "I can feel this eviction is making me a worse person." Mario explained that surviving an eviction is "the weirdest feeling" and that the eviction day "would drag and drag".

* Ben and David agreed that John James was being "a miserable bastard" today. David said: "He's relying on his looks to keep him in." Ben also said that "he's actually really dull".

* Corin asked housemates if they could buy one thing, what it would be? Steve said "a day ticket out of here". Josie joked: "A life." Andrew asked if they were allowed to read a review on their public perception, would they read it? JJ said he would "burn it" as it "would change your opinion of yourself, good or bad". Steve said that he would read it.

* Ben and David asked Mario how the voting public normally choose their evictees. Mario pointed out that David fans may be voting Ben out, even though they are close friends, in order to keep him in the house, and vice versa.

* JJ asked housemates who their "Top 5 celebrity best mates" would be. His included Gordon Ramsay, James Corden, David Beckham and Peter Andre. Josie picked Alan Carr, Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross, Catherine Tate and Peter Kay. Andrew's included Ricky Gervais, Stephen Fry and Jamie Oliver, while Corin chose Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne and Fern Britton.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 52 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* JJ said that he "used to be good at writing limericks and raps", and if he was given 10 minutes, he could write a poem "about anything".

* Ben spoke to Jo about John James's "hypocrisy", in terms of when he criticises people for analysing what the public may think, while he himself is the "king of conspiracy theories". Ben believed that John James is actually "desperate" to stay, even if he says otherwise.

* Jo told Ben that she would understand if she is up for eviction next week, as she is a newcomer, describing the world and the house as "dog eat world", and that she is "not fooling" herself. Mario and Ben however, told her they doubt she'll be up for eviction.

* Josie said that there is "nothing more unattractive than arrogance and rudeness". John James said that he will stop and speak to anyone who recognises him and asks questions. Josie and JJ agreed.

* Jo said it would be "a big blow" if there is a double eviction tonight. However, she said she would b "quite happy" if "two of the three" people that didn't get chosen last week, came in tonight. She also said that she would like "two guys and one girl" to enter soon.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 52 #3

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Andrew revealed his concerns about the crowd reaction this evening - leading David to joke: "It seems my made up, fantasy religion is doing well against your cold-hearted, atheistic views." "It's not about how happy your life is, it's about the truth," Andrew replied.

* David later revealed that "the greatest gift the Lord gave me was rest", to which Rachel replied: "Were you quite restless before you were born again?" "I was restless, I suffered depression, panic attacks," David revealed.

* JJ joked to Jo that he is dressing up for tonight "just in case we have a sudden little flipout [eviction]".

* Steve recounted to housemates instructions from Big Brother which said they could not sing this evening if they wanted to pass their 'Ignore the Obvious' task. "This is essential - they told me in there," Steve said.

* After Rachel accused JJ of talking to himself, he explained: "I sent out a public invite. I said, 'Who wants to snuggle with me on the sofa?' but I don’t think anyone heard me."

* Contemplating evictions, JJ said: "At the end of the day everyone in here has been put up by their friends so if people you live with can find faults with you, surely people in the outside world could find faults... that's why you can never call it can you?"
Muita uutisia:

New Big Brother housemate confirmed ... irmed.html

Phil Edgar Jones enters Big Brother house ... house.html

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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 31 Heinä 2010 01:22
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BBUK 11:n asukas, joka häädetään talosta kuudentena on... Ben !!!

Benin häätöprosentti: 52 %

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 01 Elo 2010 15:51
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 53 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Big Brother played the alarm three times this morning in order to get the sleeping housemates to wake up. Corin asked if Sam slept well, to which he said that he did. He warned that he is a sleep talker, to which David replied: "Yeah there's a few of them in here. We had a conversation going on."

* Sam mocked Josie and John James this morning, jokingly shouting: "Oh put it away Josie!" as they lay in bed. He went on to imitate them, saying: "I really love you Josie... Well that's okay JJ, I really love you too..." JJ then shouted over: "Oi, my name's JJ, his name is John."

* Josie told Jo and Sam about the "field parties" she usually holds in the summer. Sam asked if they ever got shut down by the police, to which she replied: "No, there's nothing they can do about it - it's private land."

* Rachel chatted to Sam while making some of the housemates coffee. After mishearing a question, he said: "I really can't understand you sometimes." The scouser told him that if he can't understand he just needs to say, as she put milk in the drinks. A frustrated Mario watched and said: "Rachel, how many seconds did it take you to forget that I told you Jo takes her coffee black and not to put milk in it?" Rachel shrugged it off and said it would be fine.

* Jo cried while lying in bed this morning, prompting Steve to head over and give her a cuddle. Jo said that she was fine, just "hormonal". Steve told her: "You might be seeing a grown man cry today, if they've got my kids on the TV. I'll be banging on the Diary Room door asking to go home." Jo replied: "You ain't going anywhere, soldier boy."

* Mario offered to make Corin a dress today, although it "will have to be black". She enthusiastically agreed, saying: "Something sexy with a flower. Or something cute and fluffy." When Mario asked how short she likes her dresses she replied: "Really, really short." "A belt it is then!" he quipped.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 53 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Sam continued to joke with Josie and John James as the group sat on the sofas, saying: "Do you two just whisper sweet nothings to each other all day long? What is that about?" David laughed: "They're usually in the bedroom, they've only come out because you're here!" Sam then imitated Josie and John James by whispering in her ear and hugging her while sucking on his thumb loudly.

* Jo and Mario talked about All Saints and Take That, and the differing successes of their recent reunions. Jo said that although Robbie is going back to Take That, it must have been nice for the four to have achieved success without him.

* Jo told Mario about her ideal man, who she says is "Northern, bit of a swagger, a manly man". She then said she meant "no disrespect" to Mario when she talked about "manly men". Mario asked: "Why, do I not come across as manly?" She replied: "It's got nothing to do with your masculinity, I think it's just because you've got a soft nature."

* Mario said that the type of man he is attracted to is "tall, about my height, short dark hair, with confidence" and "not overly-pruned metrosexual types". He added: "Basically my ideal type of guy is JJ in 15 years time." He said that he likes older men, up to their 50s, because of the confidence that they have.

* Jo said that she was "more shallow" when it comes to the looks of men now, adding: "When I was younger anything went. I was doing it for the United Nations."

* Josie, Sam, Andrew, Rachel, JJ and John James discussed the phrase "Throw another shrimp on the barbie." John James said that they don't have shrimp on barbecues in Australia, but that they do eat barbecue quite regularly. JJ said: "When I go to Oz I want a barbecue every day."

* Jo said that she used to go out with someone that reminds her very much of Ben, and that they are both "serial seducers". She explained: "They could seduce a salt-pot - man, woman, cat, dog, they can seduce them." Mario joked that he got "played" by Ben. "You can't not like him, you can't not like his character," Jo concluded.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 53 #3

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* While playing catch with JJ in the garden, John James said that he's always wanted a pet monkey, with JJ adding: "Yeah, like Ross off Friends." Sam said: "Yeah, but what if you got a monkey like off Family Guy, like dead evil?"

* The housemates are chatted about how long there is left in the house. JJ said that there are four weeks left in this series. John James said: "It's got to be a double [eviction] this Friday."

* Josie joked that John James would be terrible to go to a sad film with, as he would embarrass her by crying. John James laughed and said that he cried at Toy Story 2 when the girl cowboy Jessie gets taken away from her owner.

* Mario cooked a noodle dish for the housemates. As Rachel made a pitta, Mario joked: "Put some noodles in your pitta - it'll make your tits look fitter." He then asked: "What would you do if you woke up one morning and your boobs were five times as big?" Rachel said that she'd be happy and walk round with no top on.

* The housemates told Sam about Mario's "massive left bollock". Mario joked: "Who's been spreading wild, malicious rumours about me?" He then added that he will show Sam later. JJ laughed: "Don't act like you don't want to see it."

* Jo, Mario and Andrew discussed the housemates' anticipated messages from home. Jo said that some might be a video and some could be a letter. Mario said: "Yeah, I guess it depends if they can get hold of them to film it. Or if they can write." He put on a southern US accent, and added: "Because my family is illiterate. I'm the only one that went to school!"

* Just before Big Brother called the housemates together, Sam said: "I'm thinking I might have a shower." Mario asked: "A naked shower?" Sam joked: "Only if you come, Mario."

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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 01 Elo 2010 18:59
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 54 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* John James joked this morning about how many times he has wanted to leave the house because of Josie. "First time was over there, second time was when I stormed out of the Andrew party, I'm sure there's another time I'm talking about - three times and a fire exit," he said. He then added: "Someone you didn't care about couldn't make you feel like that, Sam Pepper couldn’t make you feel like that." "You couldn’t have cared for me in the second week, John," Josie replied.

* Mario asked Sam how he felt when being rejected for Big Brother twice before entering the house. "I just said to myself, I thought, 'That’s it, I'm not going to go home thinking I'm gonna get in,' until I got the call for the six of us," he said. "If Laura walked and it’s the last series ever, it's meant to be I guess."

* The two then discussed Mario's role as house 'mole' in the early weeks of the series. "When I saw you on launch night we all thought it was impossible but we didn’t think people would double bluff Big Brother," Sam said. "I probably have to thank Shabby for that," Mario replied. "She was into conspiracy theories, she convinced herself, Caoimhe, Ife and five other people there was another house and I as the mole was the decoy."

* Corin spoke to Josie in the garden about her relationship in the outside world. "What I've said about Rachel and things, it's obvious now we're not together otherwise she would have done the message [yesterday]," she said. "She'll be alright anyway." When Josie asked her if she thought she and her girlfriend would remain friends, Corin replied that she hoped so.

* Rachel described her experience on Pop Idol to JJ. "It's different now, you can go back to normality - it's so weird I was still at the bingo hall coming home on the train in my uniform and there's my face on OK! magazine," she said. "[For] two months [it] was great going into Tesco and seeing my photo on the magazines but it took me a year to go back to normality, people are like, 'Oh she now thinks she's famous'. Like I'd be out with my mates and they'd be like, 'You're not talking to us, you're talking to all these other people'."

* Mario revealed to Rachel that his mother has been a Wiccan for three years and despite initially being skeptical, he has seen evidence which has made him more open minded. "When I was really down in my life she said the rune stones told her I was going into Big Brother before even I [knew]," he described. "Wiccan's been going for hundreds of years so who are we to know it's not true?" Rachel replied.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 54 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Mario and Rachel talked about signs that they received that they would get into Big Brother. Mario said his mum, who practices Wicca, told him that the runes had confirmed he would be chosen. Rachel said that she had seen a psychic who told her that something big would happen.

* David continued to complain about his video message, telling John James: "I was a little bit annoyed with [my wife], I wasn't annoyed with Big Brother. And I wasn't disappointed with what my wife and mum said, but I just wish they'd put more effort into thinking that I'd maybe want to hear from my mates and my kids."

* JJ and Andrew discussed sports, with JJ saying how gentlemanly boxing is as a sport, despite its violent nature. He says that the same is true of rugby, which Steve agreed. Andrew said that he loves snooker and would like to go to The Crucible in Sheffield to watch it. JJ commented: "Snooker's brilliant. It's dying out though, isn't it?"

* Jo admitted to Mario that her mum would not be happy with some of the outfits she had worn in the house, as she tried to fit into a pair of shorts. "But that's how I dress," she told him. She then said that she would never want to be seen as "mutton".

* Josie accused Sam of putting garlic back in her pillowcases. He responded by burping very loudly in her face. She shouted: "Sam! Don't do things like that, that's disgusting!" As the two traded jibes, Josie warned: "You're going down. I've got five brothers, I could go all night!"

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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 02 Elo 2010 18:02
Kirjoittaja calderyon
John-James, Mario ja Rachel keräsivät eniten nimeämispisteitä tällä viikolla... Nimeämisspoileri 2:
Mario voitti tiistaisen Save & Replace tehtävän ja on täten turvassa häädöltä. Mario nimesi Daven itsensä korvaajaksi häätöön, joten se tarkoittaa sitä, että joko John-James, Dave tai Rachel häädetään talosta perjantaina.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 04 Elo 2010 12:28
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 55 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Steve told Josie that he was glad that Andrew wasn't evicted on Friday: "I was hoping and praying he never went. I can see him being here at the end… he's just different, isn't he, totally different." Josie agreed, saying he is: "Funny, such a nice guy."

* Josie told John James that he had defended Sam when he shouldn't have done following their argument. "No I didn’t," John James replied. "I don’t like you anyway, I'm just doing it to make some money," Josie joked.

* Corin was told by Big Brother that in order to receive more cigarettes the group would have to give up something, she asked the housemates what they would be willing to give up. "Sam Pepper," suggested Andrew. "I'll do a sponsored silence," offered Rachel. John James then suggested that Corin went into the Diary Room to 'mac' on with JJ in order to get her nicotine fix.

* During a particularly competitive game of marbles between David and JJ, Josie walked across the area that the boys were playing in. "What are you doing Jose? You wouldn’t do that at Wimbledon, don’t do it here!" David exclaimed.

* Mario asked Sam about his relationship with Josie, the 21-year-old insisted that Josie 'liked him really' to which Josie responded: "Sam Pepper, if you think that I seriously like you, you need to go outside and have a word with yourself."
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 56 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* David apologised to Andrew in the kitchen, having kept him awake last night. "I'm sorry you didn't sleep last night little mole," he began, giving the Oxford student a hug. "I wish you would have slept, it's one of the consequences of being in the Big Brother house," he said.

* Later on, Sam and Steve were talking about David's antics the night before. "What time do you think Dave shut up last night, 3?" asked Sam. "Later than that," replied Steve, as he looked at David lying face down in the garden: "He's obviously feeling it this morning."

* JJ and Sam spoke about living in the Big Brother house. "It’s a lot different when you get in," Sam commented. "I would quite happily stay in here for six months or a year. I don’t think its that hard of a situation," replied JJ.

* Sam was showing Corin and Mario what points in the back are good to massage. On seeing this, David took his T-shirt off. "Sam come and work me a little bit," the minister asked. "I'm not giving the funky monk-y a back massage-y," Sam responded.

* Before the 'Save & Replace' task began, Mario told John James he had narrowed it down to two people that he might pick to replace him if he won. "If I win by some sort of a fluke, I've painted a button one side red, one side white and I'm just going to flip it," Mario said, with the each respective housemate assigned a side of the button.

* Sam named JJ and Jo as the people he think will be up named as up for eviction tomorrow. Speaking about Jo, he said: "She's one of my favourite people in the house, I can speak to her about anything but I don’t know if other people see that." John James added: "I think I'll be up, I think you might be onto something about Jo and I think Rachel as well."

* Sam discovered his arms were double jointed today after believing that the ability to press his hands against his stomach and get his elbows to touch one another was normal. "My new party trick," he said proudly.

* Sam commented to Andrew: "It was a shit position on Friday 'cause you could have went and your best friend in the house could have went." "My best friend did go," replied Andrew. "I genuinely thought I wasn’t going to stay as well."
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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 05 Elo 2010 11:21
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 57 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* David and John James wound up Rachel this morning, telling the 28-year-old that her excessive noise levels would see her evicted this week. "No wonder you're flipping out of the door Friday, it’s this flipping mouth that don’t stop going man," David began. "I don’t know how she gets a breath in," John James added. Rachel laughed as she responded: "I hate all you guys."

* The housemates discovered a dart board in the garden; part of the Dickens task, much to JJ's delight. "Have you seen me throw a set of arrows?" he said confidently. David laughed at the 23-year-old's claims that he could beat him at darts. "You're more mouth than trousers, son," he mocked.

* Sam, who has been sharing a bed with Rachel, was talking to Mario about this Friday's eviction. "I'm looking forward to the fact on Friday I'll have a bed to myself," Sam said. "So you think Rachel is going?" Mario replied. "I'd be surprised if she didn't," answered Sam, to which Mario concurred: "I agree she is the most vulnerable one."

* David and Mario tried to encourage Rachel that being locked in a room with John James for 24 hours would not be that bad, but the air hostess disagreed. "We've got to sit on a chair for 24 hours; so it's easy for everyone to enjoy having a song and dance to do, but pardon me if I'm not ecstatic about it, in my last few days in the Big Brother house," she complained.

* During a conversation in the living room, Jo criticised John James for not making an effort with Rachel during their task. "I think he's made no effort to talk to her, I think that’s arrogant. Whoever you get put in there with, this is your chance to get to know them and just talk," she declared.

* John James told Mario that he cares too much about the Big Brother experience after Mario got overly nervous during the 'Save & Replace' task. "You were making it sound like someone was going to die, it's just Big Brother!" John James told him, before suggesting that Mario has 'a real thing' about the show.

* Sam teased David about being nominated by claiming that he hopes David is evicted on Friday. David told him: "Don't worry Sam, if I do stay you'll be going the next week so you'll only have a week of me." Sam then suggested David can't take his relentless insults.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Day 57 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house...

* David managed to make the gruel housemates were required to eat even more unpleasant after accidentally adding far more salt than he was supposed to

* Sam received an extra large helping of gruel for breakfast. "Portions will change depending on how people treat me," joked David

* JJ received a special task from the Tree of Temptation, requiring him to steal as many coins as he could from Corin's desk

* John James told Rachel: "At least I'm stuck in here with you and not Corin, could you imagine what that'd be like?"

* The housemates believe it will be a double eviction next week, as the overall shopping budget they can win is less than usual.
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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 06 Elo 2010 20:52
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 59

The latest news and snippets from the house..

* JJ has been pressing Mario for details of his rumoured 'secret'. However, the 28-year-old refused to give anything away.

* Mario says that he has attended 'sex parties' in his past but has only been to watch. The former Mole also claimed to have had sexual intercourse that was broadcast live on the internet. Looking unimpressed, JJ replied: "Spare me any details."

* Both Corin and JJ have been talking about the difference in Dave's appearance from when he first entered the house. "Dave looks so different from when he first come in," said Corin. JJ agreed and claimed that his new haircut and weight loss had given him a new image.

* Sam spoke about how much time he spent with Davina McCall before entering the house. "[When] there was six of us I was with her for quite a bit and then she gave us all a hug and kiss and I spent quite a bit of time with her," he said. "When I came up on my own I spent more time with her again with rehearsals." After Big Brother reminded him not to talk about the audition process, he added: "I can't say anything in this house."

* Housemates speculated about Mario's magic trick after he decided to use Rachel as his assistant, but will be with a new person during the performance tonight. "If it's Davina..," Andrew contemplated.

* John James spoke about his plans if he gets evicted this evening. "The first thing I'm gonna do when I walk down stairs is ring mum, ask if everything's alright and then from that I’ll decide whether to go home or not," he said. When he stated that he may not go home for six months, Josie argued that he couldn't be that harsh on his mother. "She'll come over, I reckon," John James said. "Introduce her to my Auntie Kay, they’ll get along," replied Josie.

* Big Brother accidentally announced that the living room would be open for ten minutes instead of the store room this morning. After a correction was made, David, Andrew and JJ chanted: "You don’t know what you’re doing! You don’t know what you’re doing!"

* Corin and Sam have apologised to each other for their argument last night concerning the amount of tokens being spent on cigarettes. Sam said: "I should have said it better", while Corin commented: "It's done now - 'cos I heard it all day I should have handled it better." The pair hugged after Sam suggested: "Let's forget about it."

* Josie and John James discussed first evictee Rachael. While Josie believed that she had behaved more "airy" at auditions, John James commented that she was also like that in the house. "She was one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen," added Josie, but John James disagreed, saying: "She wasn’t that great... I don’t rate Beyoncé, I rate Shakira."

* When Big Brother announced that David's Bibles were available for him to collect, Sam misheard and thought they were describing "fireballs". "There's fireballs in there Sammy, don’t you worry," David joked.

* David discussed tonight's eviction with Mario, commenting: "If Rachel was to go I'd feel sorry for her 'cos women have a tough time. If John goes and Rachel stays it will be a massive feather in her cap." However, Rachel seemed certain of her fate. "I think the whole house knows I'm going as well... can't change it, can we?" she said.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 59 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house..

* Jo and Steve noted how surprising it was to hear that Sam has lots of "responsible" jobs in the outside world. Steve said he hoped he didn't have the "same attitude" when looking after children as he does inside the house.

* Steve wondered why it was only the three nominated housemates that were punished for talking about nominating Sam. He added that he thinks that "everyone is up" instead.

* John James said that he "couldn't care less" if he leaves tonight, saying that this week's task has made him "low". He said: "If you left on a good task, you'd be sad to leave. Right now I don't give a rip".

* Josie said she expects to hear "a lot of 'get Josie out's" tonight. She told Corin: "At least I've been true to myself. If anyone don't like me, they don't like me".

* David told Josie that Sam had "slipped up" by telling him that Josie was "the favourite" in the outside. Josie wondered whether that was why Sam "had made a beeline" for her. David and John James agreed that is the case.

* The housemates have discussed the possibility of a double eviction this week. While most don't believe it will happen, Sam and Andrew agreed that this would put David in danger of going. JJ joked: "Do you know what would have been good for the 'Obvious' task last week? If Davina had come through and gone 'Two of these guys will be leaving tonight'. Imagine not reacting to that."

* Convinced that she is leaving this evening, Rachel said on her interview with Davina: "I hope she'll ask me not too many horrible questions... I got in here, I can't moan."

* David and Sam joked about JLS this evening in front of JJ, knowing that he is friends with one of the band members. "Wouldn’t it be cool to know someone who knew them, we could hang out," David said, adding that some of the band's friends could get a fanbase off the back of the friendship. "Like you know how I've always wondered how JJ had a fanbase before he even entered the house? Something like that?" Sam asked. "Not quite but something like that," replied David - to laughter from JJ.

* Sam asked Andrew how good he is at maths. "I took my GCSE when I was 12, my A Level when I was 13," replied Andrew.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 07 Elo 2010 13:59
Kirjoittaja calderyon
BBUK 11:n asukas, joka häädetään talosta seitsemäntenä on... Rachel !!!

Rachelin häätöprosentti: 58,5 %

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 09 Elo 2010 12:53
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 60 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Corin and Mario swapped dream stories this morning after Corin revealed that she dreamed about fellow housemate JJ. "We were at a party, John and Josie were there. I can't remember, I was just dead happy," she said. Meanwhile, Mario dreamt that he was the new judge of The X Factor. "Simon Cowell was explaining what I had to do. I didn’t get why as I couldn’t sing myself," he said. "We were going on a yacht to celebrate then [the] stupid alarm woke me up."

* John James commented to Sam that he believed David would be the most missed housemate if he were to leave. "The baron's the strangest, he was really quiet at the start. Keeley came - one of the loudest here then she left and he's really quiet again. He was playing pranks and everything when Keeley was here," he said. "It feels like Shabby was here for two months when she was here for three weeks."

* John James commented at how good Sam will be at nominations because he will know which housemates to put against one another to see the most popular housemates leave. "He knows who will be good against different people so he knows which faces to swap," the Australian said. "He wants to stay in the game the longest." "He's very clever," Andrew agreed.

* After Big Brother took back the housemate's marbles, the group began looking for alternatives to continue their game and found one by painting pork meatballs with nail varnish. "I'm happy with this pork ball, he's not running as fast as he could but I'm happy," David said. Watching this from the bathroom after lending out her nail varnish, Jo said to Corin: "Look at the marble gang, you'd think it was [a] bloody Chelsea and Man U match."

* David revealed that he asked Big Brother if he could have the message from his children that he lost in his Tree of Temptation task. "I asked if I could have my message and they said, 'Dave you did receive your message - backwards'," he laughed.

* Corin asked Sam how he got into graffiti painting. "When I was 13, 14, 15, I started getting interested looking at it," he said. "Then at 16 learned it, then I met my now best friend through another friend and he took me under his wing, really.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 60 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* David and Mario talked about what they were looking to gain from the house. Mario commented that David was looking for a physical transformation while he was looking for "something else". "I came into this house carrying a lot of sadness," he told the minister. David replied: "I think a lot of people are going to leave here knowing that they're loved."

* David said that Corin should come to stay with him after the show has finished. He told her: "My kids would love you to come over. My boy would be tapping you up."

* David and Steve discussed Ben, with David saying: "I don't know how he pulls any women, he used to stink. I think he had two showers the whole time he was here." Steve added: "He didn't have a shower until the sixth week." David then said: "He was too bone idle, he couldn't be bothered to turn the water on."

* As Mario and Andrew lay in bed chatting, Mario said: "Every decision I make has to be spontaneous." Further down the room, David shouted: "I see where this is going, you're trying to say that about swapping my face on the board." Mario sat up and replied: "I knew you were going to say that!"

* Jo asked Sam what kind of things upset him. The 21-year-old replied: "I suppose girls can upset me." He then said that he would probably try to hide that he was upset but it would be obvious.

* As the rain lashed down in the Big Brother garden, Sam imitated David as he continued to exercise throughout the downpour. Stripping to his underwear, Sam ran into the garden and started doing push-ups and running back and forth across the grass.

* Josie and Corin talked about how "manly" the house was after Rachel had left. "It would be nice if there were a few more girls in the house," Corin admitted. Josie suggested that it was not a male-dominated house because the public did not like the girls, but that "so many have walked".
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 61 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* The housemates woke up in a good mood, and discussed what might happen later in the day. Corin told Mario that she was happy to have "beaten the alarm" because she had not been up early in weeks. She then added: "I feel excited about something today." Mario replies: "Yeah they've woken us up at half past nine, maybe it means something's happening."

* Mario sat with Corin at the carousel and they discussed how they would deal with being recognised outside the house. Corin said that she would "just put a hair piece on" and look completely different. Mario asked her to promise she would keep her nails natural outside of the house, to which she replied: "That is one promise I cannot make."

* Sam told Corin and Mario about the accident he had in Greece where he broke his arm. He said that he was lucky to have taken out an EU Card for healthcare before he went to Greece, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to leave the hospital until he had paid for his health treatment. He continued: "Everyone moans about the NHS and the health system in the UK, but anywhere else [you have to pay]. Imagine living in America." Mario and Sam then explain the American health insurance system to Corin. Sam stated that he thought it was right for everyone to pay tax and receive the same level of care.

* John James, Jo and Josie discussed going to Ibiza after the show. Josie said that she didn't want to go for a full week, because the last time she did she "wanted to drown myself in the pool". John James asked if she would go to Ibiza with him, and she replied: "Yeah, we'll all go."

* As Josie smoked by the pool she became transfixed by a white butterfly. Sam told her it was a "Cabbage butterfly" and that they are extremely common. Josie said: "I've never seen a butterfly as beautiful as that." Another butterfly then flew around the first and Sam and Josie joked that they were flirting. "Is that you and John James?" Sam quipped.

* Josie, Sam and Steve talked about pets that have died because they have lost their 'partner'. Josie said that when her aunt died, her aunt's dog died of depression. Sam told them that he had seen a TV programme about dogs on anti-depressants. Josie laughed, saying: "If my dog was on anti-depressants I'd seriously question what kind of an owner I was."

* Josie said that she is not expecting to gain anything from her Big Brother stay. Sam commented: "Expect nothing, hope for everything." Josie then said: "I just hope it doesn't make it harder to get a job." Sam added: "I can see us signing on in a couple of weeks."

* Mario, David and Andrew talked about the punishments that housemates have received for discussing nominations. Mario said that a part of him wishes this week's punishment had been that the whole house was up for eviction. David agreed, saying: "I think they should put everyone up, see how people react. Me and John have been up three times now, and I'd like to think we haven't changed as people. But if you put everyone up suddenly people would start acting differently out of fear."
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 61 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house...

* John James and Josie have joked about the time that John James tried to escape through the fire exit. "I thought, 'If you're going to be like that - see you pal'," John James said. "That was your choice to move beds, like it was mine to leave out of the fire exit. You have your choices and I have mine."

* Mario and David reminisced about former housemate Sunshine this afternoon. "I think she was slightly going to go mad by being in here," Mario said. While John James described that she enjoyed performing for the cameras, David added: "It seems like she was here a long time, she was only here three weeks."

* David described how he became a born-again Christian this afternoon. Speaking in the garden, he recounted how he had a religious experience and ended up going to a church service. "I just looked at them, they had love, they had joy, I knew it was something... I went to the front and said a prayer - that moment, dude." He then described how his wife immediately knew when he came back from the service that something significant had happened, and that several drug users and drug dealers he knew all became born again after a few months of seeing the effect that Christianity had on David. "If that hadn’t happened to me I'd probably be strung out on all sorts of stuff," David added.

* Mario has told Jo that they will have to go on a night out together when they leave the house. "I have to take you to the Funky Buddha, they know my drinks so they have them waiting for me and my friends, Miss Great Britain and I," he said. He then described his typical night out with her: "We'd stay five minutes, then one of us would get invited to a party or something and we'd go there, get smashed then walk home at 12 in the morning the next day - the walk of shame."

* Sam annoyed Jo by jumping in the pool and getting her weaved hair wet. "That's something not to do on a Sunday, maybe a Tuesday or Wednesday," John James joked before Josie tried giving Sam a wedgie in the pool. After Jo returned to the garden, Sam apologised to the make-up artist, commenting: "It would have been better if it was Corin I got."

* John James and JJ's discussion about wrestling on TV was met with disapproval from David, who argued that the whole thing was staged. "Don’t think of it like a sport, think of it like EastEnders," John James advised. When David asked how wrestlers decided who wins, he added: "Who decides who dies in EastEnders?"

* As Mario gave JJ a back massage this afternoon, JJ explained why he had a scar on his back. "I used to tell people I got stabbed in the back," he added. "Your first nomination scar," quipped Mario.

* David declared to the housemates that the majority of the group were "weird" and that he had never met people like Sunshine, Corin or Ben before. When Corin asked what was different about her, David explained: "You can't define why 'cause you're different to anyone I've ever met before. Like Benny was one of the strangest, different, unusual people but if you asked me how to describe him, I couldn’t do it." Adding to his critique of former housemate Ben, he added: "Even up to a week or two before he went, I thought, 'He's got to be acting'."

* Andrew, John James and JJ have discussed how Sam has calmed down in recent days from when he first arrived. "He has been quite funny the past few days," Andrew began, which John James agreed with, commenting that Sam always stops his jokes if he thought anyone was upset by them. However, he added: "I still think there’ll be arguments."

* Josie accused John James of being attracted to Corin when the group first entered the house. After John James commented, "She's not as attractive as what I thought at the beginning," Josie reminded him: "Govan said you fancy Corin, Govan said it." However, John James argued that he found the retail assistant "good-looking" but didn't fancy her.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 61 #3

The latest news and snippets from the house...

* The housemates confined to the house this evening discussed whether or not Mario was specifically chosen as 'the mole' earlier in the series. John James suggested that there were "maybe ten names" in the tombola, but not everyone on the platform had a chance to be chosen. Jo said that she doesn't want to think that the series is so contrived.

* Meanwhile, Josie cuddled Andrew in the nest, prompting Corin to tell him: "You're such a flirt." Sam quipped: "Yeah, he's a flirt and a boob pervert." Andrew tried to say that he is not a "boob pervert" but mixes his words, leading JJ and Sam to laugh and say: "Yeah, you're a boob pervert and a fruit pervert." The conversation then turned to Andrew's admission of having sex with a melon and a McDonalds apple pie.

* Sam asked who the most famous person was that the group had met. JJ said: "Probably Mike Tyson." Corin then added: "Is that the one who Keeley went out with?" Correcting herself, she said: "Not on a date, but she went out..." before the sound in the nest was cut.

* Sam told Corin that she looked "gorgeous" tonight. Mario joked: "He said the same to me a few minutes ago." Mario then said that he loves Corin's hair curled and natural, adding: "Let's flush her wigs down the toilet!"

* Josie joked as Corin helped Sam make his bed: "He's trying to smooth her right over." Sam replied: "You'd know if I was trying to smooth her over because she'd be in my bed right now." He then ran over and pushed Corin forward, saying: "Corin, what are you doing in my bed?"

* Sam lay on top of David, giving him a hug, before standing up and dropping down onto David's knee. David threw Sam over the bed onto Josie, before proceeding to give Sam a wedgie with John James's help. The pair continued until they had pulled Sam's boxers entirely out of his jeans apart from the crotch, while Sam screamed. David shouted, "Cry for your mammy!" as the 21-year-old wriggled free, before he told Mario that his boxers had been pulled "right into my bumhole". David joked: "I'm surprised there's any room for your boxers in your bumhole with your head stuffed up there!"
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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 09 Elo 2010 16:53
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Mario, Dave, Jo ja JJ2 keräsivät eniten nimeämispisteitä tällä viikolla... Nimeämisspoileri 2:
Mario voitti Save & Replace -tehtävän ja o turvassa häädöltä. Mario nimesi Samin korvaavaksi ehdokkaaksi häätöön. Joten tällä viikolla joko Sam, Dave, Jo tai JJ2 häädetään talosta pois.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 10 Elo 2010 12:38
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 62 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house…

* Sam joined Corin and David in the garden this morning, with the graffiti artist wearing his own clothes having got his suitcase back. "Is that your main hat Sam?" David asked, referring to Sam's baseball cap he was wearing. "I've got another one," Sam replied. Corin then asked him if he 'lived' in hats to which Sam confirmed he did. "Are you loving them?" David asked, mocking Corin. "I am yeah and now I'm buzzing," Sam responded, also coining one of the Northern girl's catchphrases.

* Josie and John James were talking about the 'Save & Replace' tasks, when Josie asked John if he would swap himself for Sam if he won the task. "That’s when you know someone is your mate, when you can't face-swap them," Josie declared.

* During a conversation in the living room, Josie told JJ about the previous series of Big Brother she had watched. "I watched a couple of series but I didn’t go into the depths of it 'cause if you go into the depths of it you start looking at in a different way," she began, before talking about her favourite series. "I watched the one with Jade Goody, I watched the one with Rex… I loved Victor, I thought he was amazing," she said, referring to Big Brother 5's Victor Ebuwa.

* David told John James and Josie he would attempt to win this week's 'Save & Replace' task after throwing the last one he was involved in. "After being up for two weeks, I think I'll have a little go," said the Welshman. Josie said he could put her up for eviction if he won. "I wouldn't hold it against you, John would," she joked. "I'll just put you up and hope you don’t go," replied David.

* After today's nominations, Corin spoke to Josie about picking Jo. "I thought you were going to pick me," Josie said. Corin acknowledged she may have lost her friendship with Jo, but said she had no other choices. "I'm not asking to borrow her lip gloss again… it was just, like, the easiest option," she explained.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 13 Elo 2010 12:52
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 65 #1

The latest news and gossip from the house…

* John James and David were discussing weather the public would like Sam or not, with the Australian thinking that maybe they wouldn't. "I think they'll love him, the only problem I've got is that he put me up for eviction," joked David.

* JJ told John James that most of the group get on with Sam now, but at first only he and the Australian gave him a chance. "Everyone has warmed to him, but at first, no-one else wanted to give him the time of day," he declared.

* David was complaining about Sam to Corin. "Let me just say this; he's got to be the most annoying little brother anyone could have," the minister said. "I don't find him annoying," replied Corin. David felt Corin was not being honest and was sure the graffiti artist would get on her nerves eventually. "We'll see over the next few days," he warned.

* John James was talking to Josie about what he would do if she were to be evicted. "If you do go before me, I'm just going to walk out with you," he declared. Josie told him that would be silly and that they hadn't come in together so shouldn't leave together. "I'd be really angry if you did that," she said.

* During a conversation about kissing, Mario claimed he was an 'excellent kisser' and he had used his skills in previous relationships. "I'm an excellent kisser, I had to teach a lot of my exes how to kiss," said the former mole. "Are you being serious?" replied Jo, unsure if he was lying or not.

* When Big Brother delivered the weekly shopping, Sam was less than impressed with the way they had placed the items in the fridge. "They need to learn how to stack fridges like me, I'm a pro at fridge stacking," he boasted.
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Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 13 Elo 2010 23:14
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 66 #1

All the latest news and snippets from the house...

* Josie decided to do her hair properly today after claiming she had been neglecting to do so during her time in the house. After completing her new hair and changing her clothes, both Jo and Steve admitted she looked 'gorgeous'. This prompted both Josie and Jo to begin talking about 'the cougar', with Jo chanting, "Sexiest cougar 'pon road," over and over much to the confusion of Steve.

* Josie and Steve engaged in some playful teasing this afternoon as Josie began to prepare dinner for the housemates. Walking past Steve, she lightly knocked him on the head with a large leg of lamb to laughter from the rest of the housemates. "Did you see that Big Brother? That's bullying!" Steve shouted out. Josie claimed that she didn't have anyone else to bully because John James was asleep.

* David and Andrew have been teasing each other today with Andrew claiming he needs a serious talk with David before the eviction tonight, though Josie said he is just being a 'wind-up merchant'. David then clarified that he would never laugh at Andrew, only with him, because he is a 'flipping genius'. Andrew agreed with this statement and said he wished there was a task in which he could show how good at maths he was by "batting the numbers off left, right and centre", before requesting a piggy back from David.

* David and Steve discussed their wives this evening but ended up having a joke at their expense. David told Steve: "What would be an ideal situation for me would be if I stayed, and they allowed my wife and kids to come in twice a week." This amused Steve no end, who agreed that would be the perfect situation.

* Steve has discussed how much the Big Brother experience tests you in a conversation with Mario and Andrew. He admitted that he has learned to be more patient and to get on with people from all walks of life, admitting that he normally blinkers himself to certain groups of people. However, he clarified that he hopes never to have to wear a wedding dress again.

* Housemates discussed the cliched way that some potential housemates portray themselves in their audition videos. After all laughing at the statement that many make by describing themselves as, 'like Marmite... you either love me or you hate me', Josie declared loudly that she had used that on her audition tape, much to everyone's amusement.

* After being up woken by the alarm this morning, Corin announced: "I had a dream last night Nathan, Shabby and Caoimhe were all in here, they were dressed up in the red suits but it was like gnomes like a pantomime."

* John James described his distrust of Mario and Corin this morning. "I don't think Mario has morals in here," he said. "I think they do on the outside but not here - that's why I can't be friends with Corin." Elaborating on his point to Josie, he added: "[They would] use my head as a stepping stone to stay another week, I wouldn't do that to my friends so they can't call themselves my friends, can they?"

* JJ explained to Sam about the conversation Sam overheard last night where JJ, John James and David branded him 'fake': "It wasn't my place to get involved which is why I feel bad, we were sitting in there talking about you 'cause I don't normally do that... I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me, I don’t want us to feel awkward around each other." Sam agreed that the two were still friends.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 14 Elo 2010 13:17
Kirjoittaja calderyon
BBUK 11:n asukas, joka häädetään talosta kahdeksantena on... Jo !!!

Jon häätöprosentti: 39,4 %

Häädön jälkeen asukkaat valitsivat yhden asukkaista saamaan suoran paikan finaaliin. Asukkaat valitsivat Josien.

Asukkaille ilmoitettiin myös että, nimeämiset ovat tällä kaudella historiaa ja että he kaikki ovat tästä lähtien häätöuhan alla.
Tämän yhteydessä asukkaille paljastettiin myös, että n. 2 viikon päästä BBUK11 loppuu ja että heti sen loputtua nk. BBUK Ultimate Champion alkaa.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 14 Elo 2010 21:08
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:Four housemates to be evicted next week

Channel 4 have confirmed that four housemates will be evicted from the house next week.

The news comes after housemates have been speculating on when the next eviction will take place, as Steve in particular has noted that there are too many people in the house currently.

This means that by the end of eviction night next Friday, the number of housemates will have almost been cut in half.

What is currently unclear is whether the evictions will be staggered throughout the week, or whether they will all take place during Friday's live show.

Only Josie is safe from next week's eviction after housemates chose her to receive a free pass to the Big Brother final.

As previously reported, following the live final on August 24, the winner of Big Brother 11 will compete against housemates from previous series in the two-week Ultimate Big Brother.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 16 Elo 2010 15:13
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 69 #1

All the latest news and snippets from the house...

* Mario has told Steve that he thinks he has a good chance of winning the series. Speaking about being in the final, Steve said that he would like the opportunity to be there, and remarked that he wouldn't mind the opportunity to win the money either. Mario told him that he believes the final will be between Steve and Josie, suggesting that it will be close between the two.

* Corin and Josie bonded over a mutual body hair removal session, prompted by Corin deciding that she needed to wax her top lip. Josie then admitted that she had noticed a number of hairs growing on her belly button. Corin immediately set up Josie with a wax strip in the offending area and told Josie to shout out "John James" as she sharply pulled the strip off. After suggesting that Josie also wax her top lip, Josie replied, "I like me little whiskers!"

* Sam's antics in defacing the Diary Room door button with cling film sparked a discussion between John James and JJ about which of the housemates they would live with outside the house. "John, I like living with you but I'm not going to lie, I don't want to live with Sam anymore," JJ told them, before agreeing that he could also live with Mario. John James joked that Sam might find it difficult to rent properties now if the landlord had been watching Big Brother.

* JJ asked for housemates' thoughts on the Big Brother prize money and suggested that he wouldn't have minded if there wasn't any money to win. David and Andrew disagreed however, both explaining that the money could be really useful to them, and insisting that Steve would feel similarly. David suggested that he would set up a small orphanage while Andrew said he would pay off all of his university fees.

* Talking about some of the former housemates, Dave told JJ that Caoimhe and Shabby were the "wild" ones of the group. "They used to throw things against the fire exits to break them," he said. "Always getting told off all the time."

* Corin, Dave and JJ discussed how long they would normally sleep for in the outside world. Corin said that she would often get 11 to 12 hours, Dave around 10, while JJ claimed that he only needed five hours in bed.

* After Sam pulled his prank on Corin, Josie seemed intent on getting involved herself. The Bristolian attempted to pour a small jar of spice over Sam while he slept. However, her deed was soon spotted by Big Brother who immediately called her to the Diary Room. kirjoitti:'Big Brother' rejects may return

Former ‘Big Brother’ contestants are being given the opportunity to re-enter the house.

Ex-housemates including Sunshine Martin, 24, Shabby Katchadourian, 24, Ben Duncan, 30 and Nathan Dunn, 25 could all go back into the house this week as part of a new twist, which will see current housemates make the final decision on whether they will be allowed to re-enter.

Each of the nine contestants will be called to the diary room, where they will be offered a selection of “treats” by Big Brother.

While one of the choices will include one of their former housemates, the other option will see them shunned.

An insider revealed to the Daily Star newspaper: “This could set the cat among the pigeons. Mario could be offered dinner with a muscleman or with Ben. But if his obsession with the hunk is over then he may choose the mystery hunk.”

Ultimately, it will be up to the contestants to decide whether they want to see the former housemates again and if they don’t, they will be banished from the ‘Big Brother’ house for good.

Meanwhile, Channel 4 have confirmed four contestants will be evicted from the reality show throughout the course of this week.

Josie is the only person who is safe from the threat of eviction, after her fellow housemates voted to give her a free pass to the show’s final on August 24.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 16 Elo 2010 19:00
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:Dermot O'Leary to host BB 'Last Supper'


Dermot O'Leary will return to host Big Brother's Last Supper on the show's final night on Channel 4.

The former Big Brother's Little Brother presenter has filmed a retrospective looking at the last eleven series of Channel 4's hit reality TV show.

O'Leary will play host to eleven former contestants, who will enjoy a dinner-based discussion about the programme's successes and broadcasting legacy.

Taking part in the show are series one winner Craig Phillips, Narinder Kaur, Alex Sibley, series four winner Cameron Stout, Marco Sabba, series six champion Anthony Hutton, Pete Bennett, Brian Belo, Rex Newmark, Bea Hammill and recent series eleven evictee Ben Duncan.

The Last Supper show will air on the same night as the Ultimate Big Brother final on September 10.

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 18 Elo 2010 20:06
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Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 69 #2

The latest news and snippets from the house...

* Sam told John James that he felt Andrew had become over-confident in recent weeks. “When he’s trying to be funny, he’s not funny,” he said, comparing him to Big Brother 10’s ‘Halfwit'. “When he first came in he was hilarious, now he’s trying to be funny. He’s trying to fit in with the lads,” stated the graffiti artist. “Agreed,” replied John James.

* David and John James were talking about their predictions for the final, with David declaring that John James would definitely be there. “I would be very surprised if I made the final and I would be very surprised if you didn’t,” said the minister. John James disagreed. “I think I’ll go out Friday,” he replied.

* The group were talking about what they thought would feature on their ‘best bits’ montage once they leave the house. Sam made a suggestion for John James’s. “That’s got to be on his best bits, [you saying] ‘I’m getting angry now’. How many times do you think you’ve said it?” he asked. John James laughed. “I don’t know, 50?” he guessed.

* After she found her hidden wigs, Corin told Josie that she was growing tired of Sam's pranks. "He's quite childish sometimes isn’t he? I'm all up for a laugh, I love that side of him, but not messing. You'd think he'd think of some fun stuff to do," she said.

* Josie told the group that she found it odd being addressed by her actual name. "It's quite weird being called Josie," she said. "What do other people call you?" asked Corin. Josie then explained that her friends on the outside world call her 'Missy Moo'. "Why, like a cow?" Sam asked. "I knew that was coming," replied John James.
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 70 #1

The latest news and snippets from the house...

* David mocked JJ's sumo costume, prompting the boxer to say: "If there was a biggest moaner or a biggest tosspot in the house [in 'Rate Your Housemates'], you'd have got it." Steve laughed, telling JJ: "You're not far off what Dave was when he first came in!" David replied with mock indignation: "Hark at Slim Jim over here!

* Mario and Corin lay talking in the lounge while the other housemates were in the garden, with Mario reflecting on the 'Rate Your Housemates' results. "I probably am the least entertaining, because I don't feel like entertaining the house." He said that he preferred to pass time watching Bob Righter. "I find it more interesting to wait for an inanimate object to come to life," he sullenly added.

* Turning to Friday's eviction, Mario said to Corin: "How amazing would it be if in a couple of days time we both survive and make it to the final?" She replied: "It would be amazing but I wouldn't hold your hope out for me." Mario said: "I'd be gutted if I went through and you didn't." Corin told him not to be concerned, as she would be happy if he made it to the final. "Don't even worry about it," she reassured him.
Housemates evacuated after shock flood: ... flood.html

Housemates return to house after flood: ... flood.html

Big Brother makes plans for house flood: ... flood.html

BB confirms 'action-packed' 90min show: ... -show.html

Re: Big Brother UK 2010 Uutiset

Lähetetty: 19 Elo 2010 11:40
Kirjoittaja calderyon
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 71 #1

All the latest news and snippets from the house...

* Josie and Corin commented on how attractive the production team members were who led them out of the flooded house yesterday. "I tell you what, that camera man, they were both well handsome," Josie said. "He was in the wrong job, he needs to be a model or something." After Big Brother reminded housemates not to discuss members of production, Josie called out: "I can't help it, he's super lush!"

* Corin has speculated what being evicted will feel like after experiencing a temporary departure from the house yesterday. After noting that all housemates wanted to return as soon as possible, she declared that it made her think of evictions: "It's not just, 'Get out of there - hug your mother'." Mario and Andrew then agreed that Davina McCall would aim to put them at ease with the crowd - leading Corin to comment: "She's like a mother figure she'll make you feel okay, ask, 'Are you alright?'"

* Sam joked this morning that the funniest thing about the flood yesterday was Andrew's reaction to it. "He walks out and I thought he was joking and he looked really puzzled and he was, 'Wow like, wow'. And I was like, 'Yeah Andrew, the whole house is flooded'," Sam described. "The whole living room was destroyed, completely destroyed, and he just walked out into it, he didn’t wonder why we're all shouting and screaming."

* Corin was asked to the hut, which is currently the replacement Diary Room, and reported that Big Brother asked her if she wanted any belongings she didn't get yesterday before the housemates were evacuated. "I said some rizzlers and some tobacco as well and she was like, 'Corin are you lying?'" she described - before defending herself that some of the tobacco did get wet.

* Sam noticed that his trainers had been filled with shaving foam this morning and first accused Josie - who strongly denied it. David and John James also denied the prank, leading Josie, JJ and Mario to speculate if one of the Big Brother production team did it as a joke. "I'm glad someone's done that to his shoes, at the end of the day you reap what you sow," Josie commented.

* Sam noticed there was a strange smell in the kitchen when he entered it for the first time this morning. "Go in that door and open it up and tell me if there's something funky in there, that's the worse smell I've ever smelt in my life," Sam told Andrew. Steve explained to Sam that it could be from the drains over flooding.

* David explained to Sam his resentment of Big Brother earlier in the week. "I tried to explain to them I'm not an ungrateful person," he said. "I said it's obviously the pressure in the house, when you're in a situation like this you only need half a dozen small things to make it into a big thing. They were perfectly understanding, they said, 'We understand Dave the pressure you are under in the house'."
Digital Spy kirjoitti:DS:BB News Extra Day 71 #2

All the latest news and snippets from the house...

* John James spoke of his reunion with Rachael. He told David that she "wasn't happy" with the way the two of them were "slagging her off" after she left. He also mentioned how she said it "would be good" if John James left on Friday so others could "come out of their shell more", pointing at Josie.

* Ben joked that he thinks JJ is "playing a game" and that the others have "got to watch him".

* Josie told John James that she thought she heard David ask Ben about who he thought would win the series, as Ben whispered John James's name. David denied this, despite Josie continually asking him about it.

* David said that if he was given a choice of a housemate to return to the house like Ben, he will choose Govan for Josie, but if it was a one-on-one task similar to John James and Rachael, he would select someone else.

* Josie blamed her outburst at John James earlier on the fact that she isn't a morning person, and that anyone arguing with her during that time should expect to "get their head ripped off".

* After the housemates finished their bug-infested beans on toast for a Bob Righter task, they all agreed that it was still better than Rachel's breakfast omelette of tomatoes and bombay mix.

* JJ, Steve and John James all claimed to have eaten spiders. Steve said that his was alive when he ate it during army training.

* Corin told everyone that she could taste that one of the ants had a stomach infection when it died.
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Josie angry over "two-faced" Ben comment ... mment.html

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