BBUK10 -spoileriketju

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Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 16:24

Digital Spy kirjoitti:‘Special forces’ storm house

Day 2, 14:16 BST


Big Brother’s special forces, the SBBS, entered the house early this morning.

After Big Brother warned to housemates "this is a task, this is a task", men in balaclavas stormed in through the front door shouting "stand up, stand up" and rounded up stunned housemates.

While the official housemates looked on through the bedroom window, Big Brother told non-housemates that "the special forces regime is decided to test your strength of character", but were allowed to drop out with the codeword ‘safeguard’.

Non-housemates then had to run around the edge of the garden. One forces member said: "Nice and steady, nice and steady. You’re here for a long time."

After several excercises, housemates Charlie and Saffia were chosen to undertake a garden task of walking across glass, becoming official housemates after its completion
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 20:02 kirjoitti:Karly becomes the next real housemate
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


After the “Big Brother’s Special Forces” stormed the house earlier this morning which led to Charlie and Saffia becoming housemates, it was time for another task to give another non-housemate the chance to become a real housemate.

After an exercise regime including many press ups and squat thrusts, Karly completed her ‘Ultimate Special Forces Challenge’. This involved her laying on her back blindfolded whilst a motocross bike tyre was pushed into her chest as the bike revved next to her. As she managed to “withstand” this for 30 seconds she was awarded full housemate status making her immune from this weeks eviction, giving her access to the bedroom and allowing her to get her suitcase and change her clothes.

As Karly went to join Rodrigo, Noirin, Lisa, Kris, Charlie and Saffia as real housemates, the remaining non-housemates were provided a breakfast of cold porridge!
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 20:04 kirjoitti:“I’ll be a housemate very soon” says Siavash
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


Big Brother housemate hopeful Sivash has confidently stated that he will become a fully fledged housemate in a Diary Room chat with Big brother. “I’m not really bothered. I’ll be a housemate very soon” he said as Big brother asked him how he was feeling about being a non-housemate. He continued, “Because I won’t be evicted, therefore I will be a housemate, a simple formula.”

When Big Brother asked what Siavash thought what his fellow housemates, both ‘fake’ and ‘real’, thought about him, he quickly replied, “I’m a very likeable person once you get to know me,” adding “I know for a fact there are people who are not fans of me, but it is what it is. I’m not here for people to like me.”
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 20:08 kirjoitti:So just who does Rodrigo fancy?
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


Rodrigo, who became the first real housemate by going to the Diary Room last night and subsequently shaving off Noirins eyebrows, openly admits he has trouble having a relationship because he “fancies too many people”. It seems being in the Big brother house is no different!

In a chat with Saffia in the bedroom, which only real housemates have access to, he admitted he fancies more than one of the other housemates but didn’t want to tell Saffia as “it might upset you”. The conversation then turned to what Saffia, single mum of two, looks for in a guy, “They have to be good looking, but if there’s nothing up, nothing about, no personality…” she started before Rodrigo interrupted, “Then just have fun”

So who does Rodrigo fancy? As a bisexual could we see a gay relationship in the house? Keep on watching!
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 20:09 kirjoitti:First tears in the house
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


It was only a matter of time before all the launch night happiness and excitement wore off and today we saw the first tears in the Big Brother house as Sophie became emotional as she hid in the toilet.

As she was comforted by Noirin, Rodrigo and Sree she said “It messes with your head” referring to her first day in the house. She continued sobbing saying she was tired (already?!) before Noirin reassured her, “You do look great though”

Will there be more tears before bedtime? We’ll have to wait and see…
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 05 Kesä 2009 20:10 kirjoitti:Sophie and Freddie become housemates
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 2


Sophie and Freddie have become the latest non-housemates to be awarded full housemate status, making them immune from the first eviction and giving them access to the bedroom and their belongings.

Sophie and Freddie changed their names, ‘legally’, says Big Brother, to Dogface and Halfwit respectively in order to be awarded housemate status. Dogface, that’s Sophie if you’re not following, ran into the diary room to tell the others. “We’ve legally changed our names” she shouted, “I’m dogface.” Halfwit added, “And I’m halfwit”.

Dogface and Halfwit join Rodrigo, Noirin, Lisa, Kris, Saffia, Charlie and Karly as full housemates!
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 4
Liittynyt: 16 Syys 2008 23:44

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja miQis1 » 06 Kesä 2009 16:27

Eikö vois perustaa sellaista ketjua jossa olis erikseen dailyjen ja liven keskustelut? Kun on kattonu dailyn ja sit vois tulla juttelemaan siitä jaksosta tänne ja lukemaan muiden mielipiteitä niin samalla joutuu lukemaan jo seuraavan päivän tapahtumista tässä samassa ketjussa. :(

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:44 kirjoitti:Girls talk boobs, fingers and guys
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


After Sophie and Rodirgo stopped their flirty as they washed up the dishes and the cameras finally realised there was more in the house than Sophies bum we got to see some of the girls in the house chat about what other than fake boobs and the guys in the house.

Revealing that she wanted to make her boobs bigger than her current 30GG chest, Sophie sparked a debate between herself, Lisa and Noirin as they sat in the as before unseen kitchen. Lisa was adamant that Sophie would regret changing herself as she is fine as she is. Noirin agreed to some extent saying that with any bigger boobs Sophie would just look fake. Noirin went on however, “I would get my toes done though.” Lisa chirped in, “I want my fingers made longer.”

After a very interesting discussion about how small Lisa’s fingers really were the topic turned to the guys of the house - in particular Kris. All three of the woman agreed that the current quality of men in the house was lacking, seeming more like brothers than lovers. Sophie was being optimistic, hoping for more, “If one goes out Sunday perhaps they’ll put a new hot guy in”. Both Noirin and Sophie said that self-confessed “ladies man” Kris was not their type with Sophie calling him a “pretty boy” whilst she was after a “geezer guy”. Noirin agreed, before adding, “but most geezer guys are dickheads.” Ah, can’t have it all girls, eh?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:48 kirjoitti:Things go bump in the night
June 5th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3

In what may be one of the most bizarre situations in the Big Brother house, the real housemates were shocked to discover that they are being watched! As Noirin, Lisa and Sophie returned to the bedroom from their earlier conversation in the kitchen, there were screams as housemates apparently saw people moving behind the mirrors operating cameras.

“I don’t want to freak you out but we’re being watched” said Kris, one of the real housemates, before others in the bedroom jumped up squealing.

Commotion… housemates realise they are being watched in the bedroom

Saffia entered in a full tirade, comparing being on Big Brother to spending a night at a hotel and saying she “didn’t sign up for this,” before continuing about her privacy.

Kuva Kuva laughsNot happy… Saffia (L) is shocked to find out she is being watched. Karly (R) laughs it off

Before long however the housemates seemed to forget about the cameras, and the fact their every word and action was currently being broadcast to the world, and started to tell ghost stories to one another

Mesmerised… housemates exchange ghost stories and tales

It’s the remaining non-housemates we feel sorry for however, currently left in the living area with only crates and blankets to made do with, maybe tomorrow will see some more of them become full housemates?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:49 kirjoitti:Non-housemates get desperate
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


As more and more non-housemates become housemates the remaining non-housemates are starting to get desperate to earn housemate status as Sunday draws ever nearing. This morning Siacash and Cairon moaned about still being non housemates.

“Four more spaces, that means three of us ain’t getting in,” said Cairon, but quite where he was told how many would become housemates is still unclear. Siavash, who yesterday stated confidently “I’ll be a housemate very soon” agreed with their predicament, “Yeah, three or two [will go].”

Sivash pointed out the tasks weren’t all that hard, “If you do the task, you’ll get in because they’re not that hard, that’s the point.” Cairon stated he would be going for it today, “Yesterday there was five more chances. From now on, I’m on it”

The pair’s early conversation then turned towards the tension in the house before Cairon revealed his true reason for wanting to become a housemate, “I want to talk to dogface.” For those who may be out of the loop yesterday Sophie and Freddie earned housemate status by changing their names to Dogface and Halfwit respectively.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:50 kirjoitti:BB: “Condoms must not be placed over the head”
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


Charlie was warned by big brother last night for attempting to put a condom over his head, much the amusement of the other real housemates.

Charlie, a runner up in Mr Gay UK bought 9 condoms into the big brother house, after himself, Kris, Saffia and Karly got bored in the bedroom they decided to try and pull one of them over Charlie’s head, “You have to stretch it out first, big time,” helped Kris as they watched on

It was then big brother announced, “This is Big Brother. In the interests of housemates and non-housemates’ safety, condoms must not be placed over the head,” unsurprising making the housemates burst into laughter. Then fun with condoms then moved on as Saffia revealed she could put one up her nostril and pull it out of the other but decided against the idea, health and safety and all that! In the end the housemates tied one up like a balloon and bounced it to each other, all while the non-housemates tried to get to sleep on crates and blankets in the living area.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:51 kirjoitti:The big brother ‘dunk off’
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


With limited housemate spots remaining and non-housemates getting desperate it must be time for another task to give the remaining non-housemates the chance to earn their housemate status. So far we’ve seen people have their eyebrows shaven, walk on glass, driven over by motorbikes and others change their names. So what did big brother have in store for the remaining non-housemates?

The Big brother dunk off begins today! Each housemate will be called to the diary and be faced with a mug of tea and some biscuits. The task is simple - choose the biscuit they think will last the longest when dunked in the tea. The housemate with the longest dunking time will win. “Fair and square” nodded Siavash and they all agreed.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:52 kirjoitti:Halfwit enters long rant over Marcus
Day 3


Halfwit, who changed his name from Freddie to become a housemate, came into the house saying how we wanted to ’spread the love’, well it’s only day 3 and he is already not getting on well with one particular housemate…

In the kitchen, which only real housemates have access to, Halfwit, Rodrigo and Dogface (Sophie) talked about the non housemates. The grouped had nothing but praise for Cairon, “Carison is very good” said Halfwit”, Rodrigo adding, “He is very interesting, we need a character like him.”

Dogface said she loved pint sized Sophia and Halfwit agreed, “She is so cute.”

When chat turned to Marcus, a 35 year old window fitter, Halfwit didn’t anything nice to say, “Between me and Marcus there is bit of macho rivalry” he said. “Is he the one with the long hair?” asked Dogface. Once it was clear exactly which non-housemate Marcus was Rodrigo and Dogface jumped to his defence, “He is really nice” said Dogface, “He’s a really genuine guy” added Rodrigo.

Halfwit, however, wasn’t interested, “He’s a lovely guy but he wants to prove himself, he has to show that he’s the winner. He has had to fight for everything, every day. He’s so competitive”. Looks like there is already some tension in the house - but will Marcus ever make it to become a real housemate?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 17:54 kirjoitti:Cairon, Charlie win housemates' 'talent show'

Day 3, 09:10 BST

Cairon and Charlie have fought off tough competition to win the housemates' own talent show.

Hosted by Sree and judged by Sophia and Noirin, the Big Brother contestants sang, danced and performed tricks for each other in the early hours of this morning.

Charlie and Karly teamed up to perform 'Greased Lightning', Kris and Lisa sung a hit by Hot Chocolate and Cairon rapped a "very emotional piece".

Marcus attempted to break the world record for swearing the most in one minute, while Angel danced and Rodrigo made his "dog" Sophie fetch a bone and stage tricks.

The judges decided that Cairon and Charlie would be joint winners, awarding the pair with a champagne glass as a prize.

"This is my dream come true!" said an elated Cairon.

The housemates spent much of their second night in the house doing self-arranged activities, which also included speed dating.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 18:05 kirjoitti:Cairon becomes next real housemate
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


Earlier today the remaining non-housemates entered a biscuit dunking to challenge. One by one they were called to the diary where they were asked to pick a biscuit they thought would last the longest when dunked in a warm mug of the tea. Well Big Brother has spoken and listed the results of the competition…

In last place was Sree who managed only 7.8 seconds, then it was Marcus who didn’t fair much better with his biscuit surviving only 8.3 seconds. Beinazir was next lasting only 11 seconds followed by Sophia with 16.7 seconds. In second place was Angel with 21.1 seconds but winning the task and therefore becoming a real housemate was Cairon with his biscuit lasting 25.5 seconds.

“It’s all the biscuit,” Cairon said, “I used a digestive, I eat digestives all day.” Cairon then went to join his fellow real housemates, Rodrigo, Noirin, Lisa, Kris, Saffia, Charlie, Karly, Dogface (Sophie) and Halfwit (Freddie). Now Cairon can get talking to dogface!

Angel, Beinazir, Marcus, Siavash, Sophie and Sree will face the public vote on Sunday.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

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Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 06 Kesä 2009 18:24

miQis1 kirjoitti:Eikö vois perustaa sellaista ketjua jossa olis erikseen dailyjen ja liven keskustelut? Kun on kattonu dailyn ja sit vois tulla juttelemaan siitä jaksosta tänne ja lukemaan muiden mielipiteitä niin samalla joutuu lukemaan jo seuraavan päivän tapahtumista tässä samassa ketjussa. :(
Tuollahan se on ylimpänä ketjuna, Big Brother UK 2009. Pitää muistaa että kaikki ei katsele dailyjä samaan tahtiin, eli tuonnekaan ei kannata mennä ennenku on dailyn katsonut, saattaa hypätä spoileri silmille.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 06 Kesä 2009 19:51 kirjoitti:Real housemates given access to the bathroom
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3


Bit by bit this year’s ‘real’ housemate is being unveiled to the housemates who have earned their status. Yesterday both us and the housemates saw the small blue and wooden furnished kitchen for the first time and today we saw the bathroom.

The doors to the bathroom are shaped like the end of a big blue shipping container, up until housemates had to wash in the bath in the garden and use buckets to transfer water. Saffia, Charlie and Lisa took a good look around, “It’s just nice to be in a different room, isn’t it?” asked Saffia who had already got into the bath tub with Charlie.

Halfwit wasted no time in getting his clothes off and make use of the warm shower, what other surprises does this year’s house have in store? Stay tuned for pictures!



You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Kesä 2009 11:50

IBB kirjoitti:The Non Housemates begin to Suffer
Tensions rise in the BB house

Day 3: With food supplies limited, the non housemates’ hunger is getting desperate. And they’re beginning to moan.

The lack of food is leading some of the non housemates to complain about their time in the BB house, which has upset some of their more privileged housemates.

The knives were out when Halfwit – who is living in the lap of luxury – noticed that Marcus was complaining again. Marcus was upset about the poor food rations and uncomfortable living arrangements for the non housemates.

Halfwit (Freddie) said to Rodrigo and Dogface (Sophie): “Yesterday when there was a challenge he (Marcus) volunteered, and then I (Freddie) did. But neither of us got picked. He (Marcus) was like, ‘Oh it should have been me!’ He (Marcus) was frustrated that his social dynamics didn’t work.”

Halfwit – who is obviously a psychologist, in his own mind at least - continued moaning about Marcus to anybody who was listening. “He’a lovely guy. But he wants to prove himself. He has to show himself that he’s the winner. He has had to fight for everything, every day. He’s so competitive,” Halfwit complained to Rodrigo.

The lack of food is driving some of our non housemates to the point of exasperation, and to add salt to the wounds, BB gave exclusive permission for the housemates to use the swanky new kitchen on Day 2, which really upset the non housemates.

When BB dangled a carrot in front of the non housemates, in the form of the biscuit dunk challenge, it was obvious that the steaks were high. After failing to grab the last chance for full housemate status, Sree also slipped into a bad mood. He went into the Diary Room to see if Big Brother could raise his spirits.

“I’m really scared I might lose my confidence,” wept Sree, his bottom lip trembling. “I lost the happiness. Everyone is hugging and saying we love you. But me I’m very, very upset.”

He looked a little shocked. “I’ve never shared personal feelings with anyone in my life up to now except my best friend and my mum and dad. And now today in front of Big Brother I’m talking.”

The pressure cooker environment of BB had already gotten to Sree, but tensions between the other non housemates were simmering over. Faced with the possibility of eviction tomorrow night, BB added to the non housemate’s frustration by allowing the full housemates exclusive access to the bathroom today.

Hidden behind the large blue container doors, BB allowed the full housemates to wash for the first time since entering the house. “It’s just nice to be in a different room, isn’t it?” said Saffia, who’d climbed fully clothed into the tub with Charlie. Minutes later Halfwit wasted no time in stripping off and jumping under the shower.

With another day living as second class citizens without a kitchen or bathroom, as well as Sunday’s eviction preying on their minds, how will the non housemates cope? Who do you want to go in tomorrow’s eviction?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Kesä 2009 11:52 kirjoitti:Just what is happening tomorrow?
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 3

Ok, so we’ve been told that tomorrow night there is a live show which is fronted by Davina, where, we are told, one of the non-housemates will be ‘evicted’, but are things really as they seem? Even we’re not sure…

Tomorrow night’s show is 40 minutes longer than usual, so assuming 60 minutes is allocated to the highlights as every other night it would suggest the whole eviction process will take around 30-35 minutes with a bit of live feed at the end. Now if a single, normal eviction were to happen, how would this time be filled? The non-housemate who is evicted isn’t going to have much to talk about, let alone any best bits. So what’s going to happen?

The blurb for the tomorrow’s show says:

Davina McCall hosts a special show direct from the house as Big Brother reveals some surprises that could send shockwaves through the house. How do the housemates cope with life under Big Brother’s rules?

Emphasis ours, what could this mean? The non-housemates have been told they are up for eviction tomorrow so this surely does not cover the ‘reveals some surprises’ statement?

The other question on many fan’s minds across forums and social networks is when do we get to vote? Will lines open in BBLB? Or the live show itself? Either way there is going to be very limited time to vote for the non-housemates to save them.

The last ‘mystery’ is ApplauseStore’s statement that the first eviction is to take place Friday, June 12th. So if there is an eviction tomorrow it seems unlikely there will be a crowd, at least not one which the public had a chance of attending.

This all leads us to believe C4 are up to something, exactly what, we’re not sure. Maybe there will be a final task to decide the housemates up for eviction, maybe there will be a surprise double eviction, maybe it will the be real housemates who are up for eviction or perhaps nothing unexpected will happen at all? Tune in tomorrow from 10PM on C4 to find out!
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Kesä 2009 12:01 kirjoitti:New pics of the house!
June 6th, 2009 | Posted in Day 4

Just in! Some brand new images of the house including the kitchen, bathroom and how the living and dining area will look after Sunday









You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Kesä 2009 12:10

Digital Spy kirjoitti:Sree breaks down over eviction fear

Day 3, 20:12 BST


Sree has broken down in the Diary Room after missing out on a guaranteed housemate place.

The Indian student made his way to chat with Big Brother after finishing last in this afternoon's biscuit dunking task.

Sree said that he was losing his confidence before starting to cry.

When asked how much he wanted to be a housemate, he said: "Everyone here, I love them so much. These people give me energy, boost, passion.

"I'm doing fake talent show and I'm flirting with girls. I'm enjoying it," he added.

Cairon secured his place in today's challenge, meaning that Sree will be up against Siavash, Angel, Sophia, Beinazir and Marcus in the public vote on Sunday, when Davina McCall will present a special live edition direct from the house on Channel 4 at 10pm.

Earlier today, it was reported that Sree has been labelled a "sex-mad" womaniser despite claiming that he is a virgin.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK10 -spoileriketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 07 Kesä 2009 12:11

IBB kirjoitti:Cairon goes bananas
18 year old pulls some pranks


Day 4: Cairon tried to cheer up his fellow housemates early this morning by putting a banana up his bum.

The 18 year old couldn’t sleep so decided to pull some pranks in the early hours, using a banana as a prop.

Cairon went to the living room, pulled his pants down in front of the other gasping housemates, and put a half-eaten banana up his butt crack.

He screamed: “Eugh! It feels like s*** going in!”

Siavash joked: “You should put it back in the fridge for tomorrow.”

Cairon threw the banana away but spent the next ten minutes pulling off some more pranks, including putting household items onto a sleeping Beinazir.

He then stripped off and ran outside into the pouring rain wearing just his boxers. ... s-bum.html
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Vastaa Viestiin

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