Big Brother UK 2007

Viestit: 1429
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 21:50
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jaake » 19 Touko 2007 15:26

Spencer kirjoitti:Jos näin ikävästi kuitenkin kävisi, niin sitten Davinan tilalle, vaikka Kate Thornton (entinen X Factorin juontaja).
Siinähän olisi Katelle hyvä paikka ITV:lle kostamiseen. :twisted:

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 20 Touko 2007 01:27

Davina kuitenki juontaa tulevalla kaudella Big Brother on the Couch psykologiohjelmaa. Kuulostaa kovasti BBBB:ltä ilman Dermottia.

Ja sen verran daviina on ainaki meikälle The BB-keulakuva edellee, että todella harmillista jos lopettaa. Eihän se käytännössä juuri mitenkään ohjelman sisältöön sinänsä vaikuttaisi, mut sen verran kuitenki että todennäkösesti karsastaisin uutta hostia vahvasti ja pitkään :)

Viestit: 2099
Liittynyt: 02 Maalis 2005 01:04

Viesti Kirjoittaja TSN » 20 Touko 2007 13:23

Tämä on melkein pahempi juttu kuin mahdollinen Davinan lähtö 8-kauden jälkeen:
Channel 4 have decided to scrap the Saturday night update show because it usually rates badly against rival entertainment programmes on BBC One and ITV1.

Ei siihen sunnuntain dailyyn kuitenkaan saada niin paljon juttuja kuin olisi saatu kahteen dailyyn..

Viestit: 1580
Liittynyt: 31 Tammi 2005 18:38
Paikkakunta: Maa

Viesti Kirjoittaja gemini » 20 Touko 2007 14:55

Mistä tätä voisi seurata netin kautta?

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 20 Touko 2007 19:19

Uusia huhuja.
The Daily Star kirjoitti:
- There will be 12 contestants.

- There is a detention room where "punished contestants" will be kept while the others "party". They will be forced to watch through opened
shutters as the others are given luxuries.

- The hidden caravan will "play a major part", producers predict

- The grass in the garden has been replaced with astroturf

- Housemates will have to bathe in the lounge and cook in the bedroom. The bath is in the living room, not the bathroom. The oven is in the bedroom, and the word 'HOT' is printed above it.

- There are four secret rooms, two of which are under wraps. The one's we know of are the detention room and the other a luxury bathroom with two body steamers to be used as rewards.

- The diary room has had a major revamp, with a glass door leading into a "lobby" area, which is decorated with flashing neon lights.

An insider said, "Big Brother contestants are literally not going to know where they are or what's going on this time around. This year's house has been totally redesigned to be more like a rabbit warren. It has lots of places to hide, punish or keep the new housemates. "This year's BB house has been designed to be more claustrophobic, compact and less comfortable than ever before."
"Viewers can expect a lot of changes. Producers really want to mess around with the contestants' minds. Simple things like moving the oven and bath are expected to cause real drama when the housemates get stressed. The girls are going to be especially traumatised at having to strip off in front of all the perving guys."

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 20 Touko 2007 20:49

The Daily Star kirjoitti:
- There is a detention room where "punished contestants" will be kept while the others "party". They will be forced to watch through opened
shutters as the others are given luxuries.

- The grass in the garden has been replaced with astroturf

- The diary room has had a major revamp, with a glass door leading into a "lobby" area, which is decorated with flashing neon lights.
Noi kuulostaa hieman ausseista "lainatuilta", tahattomasti tai muuten :)

Viestit: 1429
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 21:50
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jaake » 20 Touko 2007 23:23

Spencer kirjoitti: "This year's BB house has been designed to be more claustrophobic, compact and less comfortable than ever before."
"Viewers can expect a lot of changes. Producers really want to mess around with the contestants' minds."
Jokavuotinen "huhu", joskin paikkansapitävä. Itse en kuitenkaan usko tähän, C4 tuskin haluaa että mikään muuttuisi enää hullummaksi.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 22 Touko 2007 00:01

Huhut Davinan lähdöstä olivat pelkkää b*llocksia, kuten arvelinkin.
Davina: "I'm not going anywhere!"

Shunning rumours to the contrary, Davina has stated she has no intention to quit Big Brother, claiming the rumours are "b*llocks."

It was reported last week that Davina was to leave the show after BB8 to pursue new projects. A paper said, "Davina loves doing Big Brother but she knows when enough is enough. She is worried about getting pigeonholed so has made the hard decision to walk out." However, this has been confirmed as untrue from the woman herself.

Speaking at the BAFTAs, McCall said, "They keep asking if this is my last year. I'll carry on doing it until I die."
"As long as they want me, I'm there," she added.

You can view a video over at Digital Spy in which Davina confirms this here. She also confirms she knows "nothing" about BB8 yet.

Most Big Brother fans agree that the show would never be the same without Davina there, so this comes as a relief to many.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 22 Touko 2007 02:45

Kuvia uudesta talosta, laitan pari tähän:

Kumikanoja. Tulee mielee monkey island..

Uima-allas ei kuvan perusteella näyttäisi olevan osittain talon sisällä, mutta aika lähellä kuitenki. Brittiasukkaat tietäen on ihan hyvä että seinäkirjoitus muistuttaa mitä vesi on. :D

Jääkaappi on pihalla, mahdollisimman kaukana keittiöstä. Loogista.

Ja kylpyamme on keskellä olkkaria, ihan ku miunki kämpässä.

Lisää kuvia digital spy-sivustolla: ... tml?page=1

Viestit: 1429
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 21:50
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jaake » 22 Touko 2007 10:17

Todella omituisen, mutta hienon näköinen talo. Parhaan näköinen vuosiin.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 22 Touko 2007 19:18

Hanging on the Telephone

Certainly the most intriguing feature of the brand new house is the retro 70s telephone sitting on a pink counter in the living area.

But what is it for?

Well, when Big Brother 7 launched in Australia just last month, host Gretel Killeen teased viewers during the house tour about a phone sitting on top of a clear perspex shelf in the living room.

Sound familiar?

As of yet it hasn't been used, but with never ending rumours of a Housemate swap between the UK and Australia, could the two phones be connected to each other?

Many thousands of miles and that pesky "no contact with the outside world" rule prevent a physical swap, so the two countries might have finally found a way to unite, though for what purpose would be anyones guess.

Big Brother Down Under isn't adverse to using tasks and twists used in Big Brother UK and our very own Nadia and Anouska have spent time in the Australian house.

We may be barking up the wrong tree, but it certainly would be an interesting development, especially in the current Aussie series.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 22 Touko 2007 19:40

Virallinen lehdistöpaketti on julkaistu.
"This summer, Big Brother returns to Channel 4 and E4 with an even bigger eighth series. On Wednesday 30 May, a brand new gaggle of housemates will move into a transformed Big Brother house and viewers will be able to watch their every move on both Channel 4, E4 and online."

Little Brother

Big Brother's mischievous sibling is back as Dermot O'Leary presents the essential half-hour fanzine show, delivering all the latest news, views and access to all areas of the house. Dermot delivers his own unique insight into the latest shenanigans live from the Big Brother nerve centre, and fans can catch insider scoops on upcoming twists and the very first in-depth interviews with evicted housemates on their return to the outside world.

Dermot will be regularly joined by the housemates' relatives, friends and workmates, who will reveal what their loved ones are really like in the outside world. In addition to all this, celebrities, journalists, psychologists and other experts will also be dropping in to discuss the latest happenings in the house.

Big Mouth

Broadcast live in the shadow of the Big Brother house straight after the nightly Channel 4 show, Big Brother's Big Mouth is a fast-paced vibrant arena for all Big Brother fans to air their views and ask the questions on everybody's lips. In front of a live studio audience, special guest presenters will preside over a panel of experts - including journalists, celebrities, obsessive fans and friends and relatives of the housemates - will dissect all the latest news and gossip in the house. Plus viewers can get involved by calling and ranting into the Big Brother's Big Mouth mouthpiece, emailing or texting their thoughts and becoming a member of the studio audience.

Big Mouth will be fronted by a different guest presenter each week. In front of a live audience, each week a new front person will ensure house events are hotly debated - leaving no topic or house event ignored. Big Brother will get back to you with names! Also, Big Mouth will air on Channel 4 every Friday.

On The Couch

Davina commented: "I'm really excited about doing this show. The psychologists take on our housemates has always fascinated me so to sit down and have a natter about the week's antics in the BB house will be a treat."

Commissioning Editor, Gideon Joseph said of the new addition: "Unpicking the psychology of the housemates and tackling the big themes that emerge over the summer is going to be at the heart of Big Brother On The Couch. It will be the viewer's chance to have large Sunday gulp of insightful entertainment and is a welcome addition to the BB family of shows."

Other Shows

Diary Room Uncut will air on Saturday and Sunday nights on E4.

The house

- The new batch of housemates will reside in the famous Big Brother house, located within Elstree Film and Television Studios in Hertfordshire.

- The house is, as always, fully equipped with state-of-the-art audio and visual recording equipment to document every movement made and every word said in the house and garden, 24 hours a day. There are 41 cameras this year.

- There will be one bedroom for all the housemates to share. There will also be a larder just off the kitchen area. In terms of décor, the house will have a modern feel to it, with clean lines and elegant furniture. The garden comes complete with a swimming pool.

- Big Brother 8 housemates will face a mixed up modernistic sur-reality house when they arrive - nothing is where it should be. It may all look glamorous with designer mod cons but the house will be hard work for its new residents.

- A giant blue roll-top bath in the raspberry pink living room will be the first indication that all is not as it should be. It'll be like bathing in a disco with multi-coloured light panels surrounding it. But that is just the beginning...

- Just cooking a meal may take team work. At the furthest point away from what appears to be the 'kitchen' is the housemate's fridge/freezer - outside in the garden. The sink is on one side of the main living area, and the hotplate opposite is set amongst a wall of white cubes. But where is the cooker?

- For those with an eye for pop culture, there are plenty of 'arty' references in the house. There's Big Brother's very own homage to Brit art bad boy, Damian Hurst - a split rubber chicken suspended in clear boxes. A cheeky, Warhol-inspired target is painted on the white floor in the living room and the oval cut out white and blue wall is also inspired by the Barak Architects, who the designed the 'Cheese House' building in Nitra, Slovakia.

- For the first time the Diary Room will have a lit corridor that will indicate if the room is in use, by changing colour from red to green when the Diary Room button is pushed.

- Tea and toast will be a luxury the housemates may have to live without, as the kettle and toaster are locked away in a see-through box. Only Big Brother will decide when they'll get access.

- A retro 70's designed blue and black phone is nestled on the sink bench - but who will be calling and will the housemates be able to phone home?

- The white dining room table is surrounded by white retro designer chairs and stools.

- A corrugated water butt in the garden will enable the housemates to collect and use water for the garden.

- Recycling bins in the food storage area will help the housemates to be environmentally friendly

- A closed blind on the outside of the window in the living room, but who'll be peeping in?

- One half of the living area is raspberry pink floor to ceiling - and the other half is baby blue

- Two large circular windows look onto the garden. But will it just be Big Brother keeping an eye on sunbathing housemates?

Big Brother house designer Patrick Watson says, "It has taken 8,000 man hours to construct the house for this summer's housemates. This year we have gone for a cleaner, more adult look, using more textures and colours to brand each area."


Every Friday, the housemates who face eviction that night have to present their own radio show that morning. They know it's their final opportunity to reach the voters. From news bulletins, weather reports, interviews and jingles, it's last-chance radio, and it's a Big Brother exclusive to Channel 4 Radio. A radio show left in the hands of the nominated housemates...who knows what will happen?

Housemate diaries

Last summer, the site received more than 602 million hits and this year, the definitive Big Brother resource will, for the very first time, give fans the chance to be privy to diaries from the evicted housemates. From the moment they step out of the house, they will share their experiences and inner-most thoughts exclusively with our online community.

C4 Shows

Live Eviction Shows - Fridays
Big Brother's Big Mouth - Fridays
Big Brother On The Couch - Sundays
Highlights - Sunday to Friday
Big Brother Live - Every day

E4 Shows

Big Brother's Little Brother - Monday to Friday
Big Brother's Big Mouth - Tuesday to Thursday (times vary) with Fridays on Channel 4
Big Brother: Diary Room Uncut - Saturday and Sunday (times vary)
Big Brother Live - Every day

Finally, the nominations and evictions proceedure remains unchanged - of course!

Viestit: 1580
Liittynyt: 31 Tammi 2005 18:38
Paikkakunta: Maa

Viesti Kirjoittaja gemini » 22 Touko 2007 23:40

Olipas kivan ja raikkaan näköinen talo, uima-allas saisi olla hieman isompi.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 23 Touko 2007 02:15

Miusta talo on jotenki.... tyhjä? Eipä toi kai välttämättä ole lopullinen, mutta silti..

Värit ja muodot toimii täysin, mutta jotenkin noiden kuvien perusteella väljän avaran.. tyhjä.

Viestit: 2099
Liittynyt: 02 Maalis 2005 01:04

Viesti Kirjoittaja TSN » 23 Touko 2007 09:55

Punde kirjoitti:Miusta talo on jotenki.... tyhjä? Eipä toi kai välttämättä ole lopullinen, mutta silti..

Värit ja muodot toimii täysin, mutta jotenkin noiden kuvien perusteella väljän avaran.. tyhjä.
Eikö viime vuosina ole jossain ollut vähän valitusta siitä, että talo on muuttunut liian ahtaaksi. Ehkä sen takia tekivät siitä väljemmän tänä vuonna.

Mutta varmaan näyttää sitten erilaiselta kun on asukkaat sisällä ja kuvaavat oikeista kamerakulmista.

Viestit: 1290
Liittynyt: 12 Loka 2005 05:18
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Viesti Kirjoittaja jyrtam » 23 Touko 2007 22:24

Spencer kirjoitti: Many thousands of miles and that pesky "no contact with the outside world" rule prevent a physical swap.

Tuo ihmetyttää koska Big Brother UK 2003:ssa tapahtui tuollainen vaihto Big Brother African kanssa (Cameron ja Gaetano).

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 24 Touko 2007 20:19

Daily Star kirjoitti: Big Bro 'jail sex' visits

SEX-starved Big Brother housemates will be tortured with jail-style visits from their lusty partners.

TV bosses have built a secret room with a peep-hole that looks into the BB lounge.

Midway through the series, which begins next Wednesday, they will sneak in the boyfriends and girlfriends of some of the contestants.

And, in a stunning shock, the blinds will be pulled back and the housemates will be able to see their loved ones behind the glass.

But the separated couples will not even be able to speak to each other.

Because BB bosses don't want the wannabes' partners to divulge what is going on in the outside world, the room will be sound proofed.

"It will be like Big Brother meets Prisoner Cell Block H," said a Channel 4 insider. "You can imagine the rush there will be to get to the window to try and get as close as possible to one another."

"There will probably be a lot of glass kissing. And who knows - the girls might lift up their tops to flash their partners because they're feeling so sexually frustrated. It will certainly cause a rumpus. The housemates won't be happy with Big Brother for pulling a trick like this.

"It's like showing them a sweetie shop but not letting them in to eat any of them."

The secret viewing room is located at the bottom of the interior staircase which leads directly into the Big Brother house.

A hidden doorway will take the visitors into the sneaky hidey-hole.

TV chiefs are also considering using the room as a treat for BB fans - allowing them to go inside the house for the first time ever.

They are thinking of staging a competition giving a handful of viewers the opportunity to win a real spy-on-the-wall treat. The winners of the contest will be able to enter the secret room and peep at the housemates from behind the blinds.

BB chiefs last night confirmed that there is a window with a blind in the new look house which looks directly into the living room.

But they refused to confirm their secret plans on how it will be used in the show, hosted by Davina McCall, 39.

Executive producer Rebecca De Young teased: "We've got some big new ideas for Big Brother 8.

"We want this year's BB to feel fresh, funny and very exciting.

"There will be some new and quirky surprises - all will be revealed in due course."

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 25 Touko 2007 00:52

The Sun kirjoitti: Big Bruv gets big gob Moyles

GOBBY Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles is set to host Big Brother's Big Mouth.

Moyles, 33, will be among a series of guest presenters for the BB spin-off show after previous host Russell Brand quit.

He will front it for a week, with Bob Geldof's daughter Peaches, 18, also being lined up as a host - despite filming a "chaotic" pilot show.

Steve Marsh and Dan Wright, from kiddies' show Big Cook Little Cook, are set to have a go.

E4's Big Mouth has expanded its set and doubled its audience in a bid to get more viewers.

An insider said: "Chris will be the first host and will present for a week.

"Then different guests will come and go - some may be invited back, others might not. Big Brother is 14 weeks long this year so there'll be a certain amount of playing it by ear. Moyles is a definite signing. Steve and Dan are very much liked and will be on board too.

"There is some umming and aahing about Peaches but a decision will be made about her very soon."

Peaches previously appeared as a guest on the show as the ex-girlfriend of Celebrity BB star Donny Tourette.

She recently filmed a pilot in front of a studio audience - her first ever live presenting gig. Our source said: "She was like a sulky teenager. But because the show is meant to be anarchic, a lot of people feel she could be a great asset, despite not being a skilled presenter."

He said Peaches made a "terribly crass joke" about Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, who died last year: "It went down like a lead balloon. But BBBM is about pushing the boundaries so that doesn't rule her out."

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 25 Touko 2007 15:17

The Mirror kirjoitti:The new series of Big Brother was in chaos last night after repeated bust-ups between the show's makers and scandal-hit Channel 4.

Desperate to keep the show - hosted by Davina McCall - scandal free, C4 bosses have rejected three contestants put forward by makers Endemol. They have also thrown out plans to encourage class warfare in the house by recruiting extreme individuals from different social groups.

One source said last night: "Channel 4 are trying to wrestle back control of the show and make sure there are no more scandals, but Endemol insists the programme will flop if there aren't any clashes or tension."

One contestant - described as the best housemate selected this year - was rejected because he had been arrested after a fight.

The source added: "He was a brilliant, cocky bloke - easily the best man we had. We booked him straight away but then had to drop him because he got into a fight.

"He may have to go to court and we couldn't risk him getting into a row in the house and then it emerging that we'd allowed him in as a contestant knowing that he'd been arrested in a bar brawl.

"Last year we'd have put him in. This year we don't dare. Other great would-be housemates have also been thrown out because of the extra psychology tests. Endemol wanted them in, but Channel 4 said no. Things are getting very heated."

Viestit: 2099
Liittynyt: 02 Maalis 2005 01:04

Viesti Kirjoittaja TSN » 25 Touko 2007 22:14

Kunhan eivät nyt liian varovaisia ole siellä C4:lla.. Kyllä BB:ssä jotain pitää tapahtua, että sitä jaksaa katsella.

En ole ihan varma vielä mitä mieltä olen tuosta vierailijakopista.. Ehkä kuitenkin vähän liikaa kontaktia ulkomaailmaan.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 26 Touko 2007 14:45

George "would you like me to be the cat?" Galloway on ilmeisesti yksi BBBM:n juontajista. :)
The Sun kirjoitti: Mouthy George's BB comeback

Celebrity Big Brother star George Galloway is returning - as a host of BB's Big Mouth, TV Biz can reveal.

The controversial leftwing MP, 52, has agreed to present the discussion show for four nights starting from June 5.

Bosses have turned to guest hosts after Russell Brand quit.

Radio 1 motormouth Chris Moyles and Bob Geldof's daughter Peaches have also signed as hosts.

Viestit: 19499
Liittynyt: 22 Elo 2005 18:08

Viesti Kirjoittaja Spencer » 26 Touko 2007 16:40

Hi Everyone!

The next series of Big Brother UK launches on Wednesday 30th May and our sister show Big Brother's Little Brother needs you! We are looking for fans across the world from London to Las Vegas who are MASSIVE BB fans and would like to chat to our very own presenter Dermot live in the studio! All you need is a webcam and plenty to say. We also need highly creative individuals to create their own videos/animations that we can play on our shows. If you are interested in appearing in what promises to be the BEST BBLB yet please get in touch by going to and contacting us via the 'COMMENT OR APPEAR ON THE SHOW' section.

We look forward to hearing from you!
The BBLB Team
Olisi kyllä mukava nähdä joku bbplazalainen BBLB:ssa... Punde? TSN? Jaake? Mole? Anyone? :D

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