BBUK 9 -liveketju

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Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 28 Heinä 2008 01:03

IBB kirjoitti:Video Nasty

Stuart, Mikey, Rex and Mohamed were given a special treat by Big Brother - to see the audition tapes of the housemates from Hell.

This evening the Heavenly housemates were called to the diary room by Big Brother, prompting the housemates from Hell to excitedly speculate on the treats in store. ”Oh my gosh, they called all four of you in. That means something big,” cried Darnell.

Stuart and the gang entered a sitting room filled with a sofa, along with booze, chocolate, popcorn, pizza and chocolates, and as they indulged themselves, the screen began to play the audition videos of their fellow housemates from Hell. And it sprung up several surprises.

Rachel’s enthusiastic video shocked them most. ”I’ve got this chatty, happy, enthusiastic personality,” she laughed, as the perplexed housemates reacted to what they were watching.

“That is nothing like Rachel,” said Stuart. “It was like Bex!”

Mo concurred by saying “I like that Rachel,” and Rex confirmed “I would put that person in this programme.”

Dale’s VT also surprised the Heavenlies, even though Rex defended him saying he was “in self-defence mode”, claiming it was Rachel who was playing the biggest game.

When they returned to the main house, a discussion ensued over whether the Hellish housemates should be made aware of what the Heavenlies saw in the sitting room. The boys eventually took a vote and decided to tell Hell of what they saw, eventually gathering them on to the sofas.

Rex revealed that Dale’s VT was “really bad”, that Darnell came across as a “really soft, genuine guy” and they all agreed that Sara was most similar to her VT. However, Rachel felt the full wrath of the heavenlies as Rex described her as being “unrecognisable”.

“In your auditions you’ve taken the best of all the different housemates and you’ve tried to be all of them at the same time.”

Just what is Big Brother playing at? And will the heavenlies take advantage of their newfound knowledge combined with the luxury of the nominations pod?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 29 Heinä 2008 19:43

BB Online kirjoitti:Producers Consider Their Options Over Nominees

Normally on a Tuesday afternoon we're able to let you know who the nominees are. However, things are a bit more complicated this week...

For although we know which two housemates would be 'up' if it went by the seventh round of nominations, fed-up Big Brother producers are considering changing things this week.

Earlier today, Stuart had his status as Head of House revoked for talking about nominations. Whatsmore, Big Bro has evidently decided that too many housemates have been breaking the rules lately, because the all-seething entity promised further action at the time.

So, the show's producers are considering whether to ignore the nominations and put a whole bunch of rule-breaking contestants up this week as a punishment. If they do, the list could include housemates such as Dale, Darnell, Kat, Maysoon, Rachel and Stuart.

At this stage, it's not clear when they'll make their decision and if it will be announced in time for tonight's BBLB show, but an insider told us, "Big Brother has had enough of all the talk about nominations. Recent footage is currently being reviewed and a decision will be made in due course over who will face eviction this week".

Oooh! It looks like Big Bro is finally getting tough, as promised at the start of the series.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 29 Heinä 2008 21:43

Tällä viikolla nimettyinä ovat:

Dale, Luke, Darnell, Rex, Mohamed, Rachel, Stuart, Maysoon ja Kathreya

Ehkä odotettavissa on tuplahäätö...?
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 14
Liittynyt: 24 Touko 2008 01:45

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja SIWA » 29 Heinä 2008 22:03

calderyon kirjoitti:Tällä viikolla nimettyinä ovat:

Dale, Luke, Darnell, Rex, Mohamed, Rachel, Stuart, Maysoon ja Kathreya

Ehkä odotettavissa on tuplahäätö...?
Ja ulostautuu LUKE ja Rachel/Maysoon? :cheers

Viestit: 32
Liittynyt: 14 Maalis 2008 20:06

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja dery » 29 Heinä 2008 22:16

minusta rankku olis pitäny olla.semmonen että häätöäänestykseen , oliski joutunu kaikki asukkaat paitsi nimetyt luke ja dale. koska se olis voinu vituttaa asukkaita. tämä annettu rankku , näytti vain tekevän heistä iloisia.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 29 Heinä 2008 22:17

Digitalspy kirjoitti: Nine housemates face eviction

Shock descended on the Big Brother house tonight as housemates were told that nearly the entire group face eviction.

Dressed as cops and robbers, they were gathered in the living area when Big Brother said Luke and Dale had been nominated by their fellow contestants.

However, Big brother went on to say that a number of people had been involved in conversations about nominations during the course of the day.

"As punishment for taking part in these conversations, the following housemates will also face the public vote this week," Big Brother announced.

Darnell, Kathreya, Maysoon, Mohamed, Rachel, Rex and Stuart were named, leaving just Sara, Lisa and Mikey safe for another week.

"With nine up, two are going," Luke predicted, before questioning: "How the hell did you escape that, Mikey?"
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 224
Liittynyt: 01 Syys 2005 21:58

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja ultra » 29 Heinä 2008 23:17

Oon erittäin pettynyt tosta ratkaisusta. Dale vs. Luke -äänestys ois ollu just hyvä... no, toivottavasti tää nyt ei vaikuta juurikaan ja Luke lähtee kuitenkin ottaen mukaansa vaikka Katin tai Stuartin.

edit: niin ja tosiaan BB:llähän on tässä nyt aikaa päättää annetaanko äänestyksessä "plus- vai miinusääniä". Lukeahan tässä selkeesti yritetään pelastaa :roll:
Spaceship! What the hell is that?

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 29 Heinä 2008 23:27


No ei helvetti, eihän tässä ole mitään järkeä. Tuotanto selkeästi haluaa ettei luke eikä dale lähde, joten tekivät näin typerästi :(

Voi jeesus, mustaa paskaa.

Viestit: 1310
Liittynyt: 04 Maalis 2007 23:01

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja kiinteistöprinssi » 30 Heinä 2008 09:56

Eikö juuri ennen kautta toitotettu, että tällä kaudella on uusia rangaistuskeinoja käytössä ja NIMEÄMISIIN EI KAJOTA tänä vuonna fanejen toivomuksesta.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 30 Heinä 2008 22:26

Channel 4 kirjoitti: Voting closes at 23:59 on Thursday 31st July 08
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 30 Heinä 2008 23:35

Maysoon on lähtenyt talosta henkilökohtaisista syistä...

Lisää infoa myöhemmin...
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 30 Heinä 2008 23:46

Eipä tule Maysoonia ikävä, en enää edes muista siitä muuta ku että oli totaalisen ja täydellinen surkea asukas. Mitäänsanomaton, hiljainen, pöllö, tollo ja tylsääki tylsempi.

Yks kaikkien aikojen suurimmista turhakkeista, bbuk6 vanethan ja sbb3 jussin tasoa.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 31 Heinä 2008 00:00

Channel 4 kirjoitti:She's Gone

Maysoon has left the building...

Four weeks ago she walked in and tonight she walked away for good.

Maysoon has been having a rough time of it since Sunday night, when Rex and Stuart gave her a hard time over her eviction video.

Last night she told her girly pals Sara, Kat and Rachel that things weren't quite so rosy, and then tonight, she made the decision to throw in the towel.

Gathering the girls for a pow-wow Maysoon revealed she'd asked for her suitcase.

"They asked me loads of questions. I never really got one hundred per cent comfortable in the House."

"It was hard for us coming in halfway through, people already have their friends..." began Sara by way of explanation.

"I'm happy with the month I did. I wouldn't change it," continued Maysoon.

"What happened?" asked Kat, glumly. "I really like you!"

"We don't want you to go May," said Rachel.

"You'll miss out on an eviction," reminded Sara.

"You make the decision. I know it's best for you. You cheer me up a lot," said Kat.

Maysoon sighed. "Last week was my favourite week. Even in Hell."

"Are you sure you won't regret it, when you watch it on TV?" asked Rachel.

Maysoon fixed her in the eye. "No. No," she repeated, shaking her head. Then she smiled. "I want to watch you guys."

Aww Maysoon, and we wanted to watch you...
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 15012
Liittynyt: 24 Tammi 2005 17:39
Paikkakunta: Chernarus

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja Punde » 31 Heinä 2008 19:56

:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

Rexin shoppailut:

Teetä, kahvia, maitoa, sokeria, neljä normaalia polettia, 57 BB:n alati vaihtuvaa erikoispalkintopolettia :lol:

Nii, ja yks paketti custard creams-keksejä tietysti :thumbsup

Muaahahaha. Rex ftw.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 31 Heinä 2008 20:33

Punde kirjoitti::hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:

Rexin shoppailut:

Teetä, kahvia, maitoa, sokeria, neljä normaalia polettia, 57 BB:n alati vaihtuvaa erikoispalkintopolettia :lol:

Nii, ja yks paketti custard creams-keksejä tietysti :thumbsup

Muaahahaha. Rex ftw.
Rex on :king :bow:
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 01:26

IBB kirjoitti:Housemates receive late shopping

Big Brother delivered the late shopping to the housemates after Rex’s request for 57 special prizes - and there were a few surprises in store…

Among the delights this week was a whole butchered lamb, a pantomime horse and a photograph of “suspect number six”, the woman Luke and Lisa believed to be Rex’s girlfriend.

The arrival of the picture caused Luke to quickly apologise over the failing of the task again: ”We made a big mistake,” Luke said.

The housemates were overjoyed by what had been delivered to them. As Mo and Darnell examined a blow-up globe, Dale tested out the waxing strip on his chest whilst Luke retrieved the ingredients required to make bread.

“Oh my God it’s wonderful, I don’t know where to start. Oh my God,” cried Kat as she looked on at the mixture of food and whimsical objects.

But the fun ended too soon, as the blow-up globe was subsequently used for a game of volleyball - before it burst.

“That was probably the most fun I’ve had since I’ve been here!” said Stu.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 22:57

BB Online kirjoitti:New Housemate: A Familiar Face Arrives Tonight

A new housemate will arrive in the Big Brother House tonight, and it's a familiar face... to one of the housemates at least.

For someone known to one of the eight people facing eviction tonight will join the group provided that their friend/ relative/ partner survives at the 7th Eviction.

Whatsmore, the new arrival could remain in the game until the end if they can last that long, and is also eligible to win the £100K prize money. Plus, they are immune from nominations at the 8th round on Monday.

He or she will go straight to the Hell side of the House, and won't join their friend/ relative/ partner until at least tomorrow when a new Head of House is appointed. It could be a lot longer though, depending on who gets the HoH gig and what they choose to do in respect of choosing the Heavenly Housemates.

That's all we can say for now, but if you re-read that last paragraph, we've pretty much given away who it is! (shhh... don't tell C4!)

If you can't work it out though, you'll just have to keep guessing until tonight's second live show, when Big Bro will reveal the very Special Token to the group.
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 23:05

Varmistunut: Jos Rex jää taloon, hänen tyttöystävänsä astuu taloon Maysoonin korvaajaksi.

Tyttöystävän nimi on Nicole...
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 23:15

Ensimmäiset häädöltä turvassa olevat asukkaat ovat: Rachel ja Mohamed...
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 23:31

Seuraavina turvassa olevat asukkaat ovat: Stuart ja Darnell...
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Viestit: 32
Liittynyt: 14 Maalis 2008 20:06

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja dery » 01 Elo 2008 23:32

jos asukkaat häätävät yhen asukkaan tai dale häädetään. niin loppuu mun bbuk:n kattominen.

Jumalan ruoska
Viestit: 8528
Liittynyt: 12 Marras 2007 14:34
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Re: BBUK 9 -liveketju

Viesti Kirjoittaja calderyon » 01 Elo 2008 23:46

Seuraavina turvassa olevat asukkaat ovat: Kathreya ja Dale...

Jäljellä ovat enää Luke ja Rex...

Nyt se Luke ulos... :evil:
You´re welcome!

I am the eater of Worlds !!!

My god... Half man, half amazing!

Joni Hesselgren: Big Brotherin moraalinen voittaja kaudella 2014.

Vastaa Viestiin

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